Michael Flatley interview: 'I spent time on my own with Lisa.. And I am so happy I did. She opened her eyes just enough for me to know. It meant the f**king world to me'

With his cancer in remission, the dancer on the death of Lisa Murphy, and the strength he took from his wife, Niamh, as he went through surgery

Michael Flatley: In Profile

Barry Egan

"I feel like Frankenstein,” says Michael Flatley. “I woke up at two o’clock this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep.” He is staying in the presidential suite of Fitzpatrick ­Manhattan on Lexington Avenue. It was here, for most of an afternoon on St ­Patrick’s weekend, that he spoke about his cancer, the diagnosis of which he made public in January of last year. It is now in remission.

“The tough part with cancer isn’t the physical part,” he says. “It’s the psychological part.”