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IBS Conferences

The status of the MOU between the IBS and domestic institutions

영문_협약현황_국내입니다. 기관명, 기관성격, 혐정체결일/약정기간, 만료일,Contents
Institution 가나다 순으로 정렬 Area 가나다 순으로 정렬 Date Signed 가나다 순으로 정렬 Duration Contents
BK21 FOUR Institute of Earth·Atmosphere·Astronomy, Yonsei University Seoul 2024.03.01 4years Research cooperation, human exchange and mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
Chung-Ang University Creative Research Group in Cell Chemistry Dynamics Seoul 2024.02.25 5 years Research cooperation, human exchange and mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
27 institutions in Daejeon City Daejeon 2024.02.23 Continuous Research cooperation, human exchange and mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Daejeon 2024.02.01 5years Research cooperation, human exchange and mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
Jeonbuk National University Hospital Innovative Future Medical Research Center Jeonju 2024.01.25 3years Research cooperation, human exchange and mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
Satellite Technology Research Center Daejeon 2024.01.02 4years Research cooperation, human exchange and mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
KOREA ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE Seongnam 2024.01.00 Continuous Research cooperation, human exchange and mutual exchange of research resources, etc.
Eulji University Daejeon 2023.12.28 Continuous Joint utilization of excellent research personnel and training of physician scientists
Ewha Womans University Global AI New Drug Development Research Center Seoul 2023.11.20 3 years We seek to improve the quality of new drug development research through joint research and establish an organic cooperation system through human resource exchange.
Sungkyunkwan University Asymmetric Catalytic Reaction Design Center Suwon 2023.11.20 3 years Aim to improve the quality of catalyst system and reaction development through joint research and establish an organic cooperation system through human resource exchange.
Content Manager
Office of Communications : Ku, Bon Chul   042-878-8103
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20