Guinness World Records Review & Appeals Process

At Guinness World Records, we are serious about research and facts.
It’s because we take the accuracy of the thousands of records we monitor so seriously that we have an official Record Review & Appeals process.

As you might expect, we are serious about research and facts. 

To protect the integrity of all Guinness World Records titles, we have a very thorough verification process for all applications, and our expert records management team will also seek further input from our network of consultants and beyond if necessary, to ensure we are as well informed as possible when we award a record. 

It’s because we take the accuracy of the thousands of records we monitor so seriously that we have an official Record Review & Appeals process. 

We recognise that from time to time, a decision we have taken may be called into question and we welcome the opportunity to review these decisions where there is justification for doing so.  

The review typically involves:  

  • a review of any new evidence put forward 
  • discussions with those making the appeal as well as those involved the original awarding of a record title 
  • further expert advice sought where necessary 
  • a final decision communicated in writing to all parties involved 
  • Although each review is different, we will always do our best to conclude the process within three months of beginning.