'I couldn't fit on Disney World rides - it ruined my trip and I had to change my life'

Ben Clark, 35, weighed in at over 30st and had a 48 to 50 inch waist before he underwent a gastric sleeve operation in Poland - and the results have been "life-changing".

'I couldn't fit on Disneyland rides - I knew something had to change...my trip was ruined'

'I couldn't fit on Disneyland rides - I knew something had to change...my trip was ruined' (Image: SWNS)

A Brit who was too large to enjoy the thrills of Disney World has shed an incredible 16 stone, transforming his life.

Ben Clark, a 35-year-old from Manchester, once weighed over 30 stone and struggled with a waist measuring between 48 to 50 inches. His wake-up call came during a holiday in Orlando, Florida, US, in September 2022, when he found himself unable to fit on the theme park's rides.

Determined to make a change, Ben flew to Poland in October for gastric sleeve surgery, investing £5,000 in the operation, which included the cost of flights and medication. The result was a life-changing weight loss of 16st 7lbs, allowing him to not only enjoy the rides but also to step into his dream role as Prince Charming in a production of Cinderella at Taylor Hall, St Lawrence College in Kent.

Ben, who works as a level manager at Co-Op Live, shared: "I couldn't go on some of the rides because I couldn't fit. I'm a huge Disney nerd."

According to the Manchester Evening News he added: "I have been back on stage in three amateur shows since and finally played the role of Prince Charming. The weight loss has given me confidence and it makes it easier. I would not have been able to do this before."

The Polish clinic was recommended by Ben's godmother

The Polish clinic was recommended by Ben's godmother (Image: SWNS)

The Polish clinic was recommended by Ben's godmother, who had undergone the same procedure a year earlier. Despite describing the surgery as "painful" and the pre- and post-diet as "hard work" the effort paid off handsomely.

The operation, which removed two-thirds of his stomach, has drastically reduced his appetite. Now, Ben boasts a svelte figure, weighing just 12st 9lbs and fitting comfortably into a 30 to 32-inch waist.

Ben shared: "A lot of people think it is the easy way out but you still have to do a lot of work after.


Ben Clark decided to undergo weight loss surgery after he could no longer fit on theme park rides (Image: Ben Clark / SWNS)

"The stomach is still a muscle and you can stretch it, so for eight weeks after you are on a very strict diet."

After his surgery, Ben explained that his eating habits had undergone a complete overhaul, yet he still finds clever ways to stay on track.

He divulged: "My biggest thing was I'd easily drink two plus litres of fizzy drink a day.

"I still treat myself to chocolate or sweets or what I want but it's in small quantities and once in a blue moon. I can eat anything but only small amounts, like I will have a small chicken breast and some vegetables and be full.

"To trick my mind, I use a side plate instead of a normal one. It makes the meal look full."


Ben Clark, 35, after weightloss surgery. A Disney fan who decided to undergo weight loss surgery after he could no longer fit on theme park rides has returned to the stage to play his dream role. Ben Clark, 35, from Manchester, weighed more than 30 stone before travelling to Poland for gastric sleeve surgery in October 2022. The clinic in Poland came under the recommendation of Bens godmother, who went under the knife a year before. Ben realised the need to take action on his weight when he was unable to board rides at Disney World during a trip to Florida. (Image: Ben Clark / SWNS)

In his younger years, Ben pursued a passion for musical theatre, both as a performer and dance instructor, and harboured aspirations to return to this art form.

Thanks to his dramatic weight loss, Ben has been able to grace the stage again, fulfilling his ambition by starring as the pantomime prince in Margate Operatic Society's rendition of Cinderella.

Ben also expressed how shedding the pounds has significantly boosted his happiness and spurred a life-changing move from Margate to Manchester, where he's exploring new career paths.

He's now saving up for skin removal surgeries and dreams of revisiting Florida, saying: "I really want to have the chance to do the trip again and do those rides and experience Florida as a slimmer person."

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