News from Japan

Updates every hour. Last Updated: 14-Jun-2024 12:09 ET (14-Jun-2024 16:09 GMT/UTC)


Two-in-one mapping of temperature and flow around microscale convective flows

Tokyo Metropolitan University
Peer-Reviewed Publication

A tale of two “niches”: The microbial connection between urinary bladder and vagina

Okayama University
Peer-Reviewed Publication

The rhythm led by plants is crucial for symbiosis with nutrient-providing bacteria

National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Peer-Reviewed Publication

To walk, you only need fins (and maybe a sense of adventure)

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University
Peer-Reviewed Publication

Come closer: titanium-48’s nuclear structure changes when observed at varying distances

Osaka Metropolitan University
Peer-Reviewed Publication

Positive and negative impacts of interfacial hydrogen bonds on photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Peer-Reviewed Publication

Stretchable electronics might make their way onto the market thanks to roll-to-roll process

Yokohama National University
Peer-Reviewed Publication