Uruguay image

Welcome to DA Uruguay. DA currently has U.S. citizens and dual citizens residing in Uruguay. Although Uruguay does not have an established DA country committee, regional resources are available to provide you with information and support.  

Within Uruguay

Click above to see How to Vote From Uruguay in 2024, including the easiest and cheapest ways to return your ballot.

We have deeply committed Dems in Uruguay living in and around Montevideo, Lavalleja, Punta del Este, Colonia del Sacramento, Canelones, Piriapolis, Soriano, Atlantida, and Nueva Helvecia. DA Americas is currently looking for local members interested in participating in any of the following: Be a contact person to provide local information to our DA Americas representative, post on DA UY's Facebook page to provide DA information to DA UY members and prospective members, call or provide Get Out the Vote (GOTV) assistance to local members, or any aspect of helping members meet with or organize local members. (See next section for contact info, Roz Reymers) 

Within our Americas Region

Our Americas Non Country Committee (NonCC) Coordinator, Roz Reymers, works with local members on in-country participation and organization, including Facebook posting, arranging in-person or online member meetings or events, organizing in-country leadership teams, as well as the would-be establishment of a DA Uruguay country committee. Roz can be reached at: [email protected] 

GOTV Coordinator, Randi Weitzner, is available for individual registration and voting help, especially should problems arise. She can also help you with Voter Assistance Training if you are interested in participating in Phone Banking and other programs at the DA global level. You can contact Randi at: [email protected].

Global Events and Participation

Be sure to check our Democratsabroad.org website for events, caucuses, state groups, task force groups, and voter assistance and other global volunteer options  - open to all our members!



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