Phonebanking Info for our Callers

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Thank you for being part of our phonebanking team —
and delivering democracy from abroad

Democrats Abroad uses CallHub, a free-for-you online system that lets you call from a computer or tablet—all you need is internet access and a speaker with a microphone. Log in and you will see a script and the voter information so you know who you're talking to. Simply follow the script and then fill in the survey answers: no other record-keeping needed.

If you haven't called with us before, please start here: Phonebanking Training.


All Callers -- Watch for information on global calling campaigns starting this summer!

The Country Committee Phonebanking campaigns have finished! Thank you to all our callers who finished campaigns for 17 counties.

We'll be starting the Global Phonebanking campaigns in August and will go through November. If you'd like to see the recording of the Fall Planning meeting for more details, write to [email protected] and we'll send you the link.

In addition to calling, we need volunteers for our Caller Support Team. If you're interested in helping callers in your area who need help getting started, have questions, or need encouragement, please contact us at: [email protected]


Slack Channel for Phonebankers:

We’ve set up a channel on the Democrats Abroad Slack workspace specifically for phonebanking volunteers: PB Updates & Questions.

We’ll use this channel to post new information, you can check it for updates. You can also ask questions and we’ll get back to you right away. If you’d like to join the channel, please email [email protected]

We'll send you an email with the Slack invitation link and detailed instructions.

Resources for Phonebankers:

Training Videos:

Returning Phonebankers

  • Having trouble getting into your phonebanking account?
  • Email [email protected] to contact the DA help desk.

Question about Phonebanking?
If you are having any difficulties with accessing CallHub, making calls, have questions about calls, or have any other phonebanking questions, please:

Email [email protected]

Questions about Voting?
Any questions about how to vote, please:

Email [email protected] to contact the Voter Help Desk.

Calling Events