Why does my hearing come and go after an infection? DR MARTIN SCURR offers a very surprising solution (and it involves your NOSE)

Since I had an infection in it last year, I’ve suffered sporadic hearing loss in my left ear. I can sometimes clear it by swallowing hard, but can I restore permanent hearing?

St.John Meyers, East Riding

Dr  Martin Scurr replies: From your description, this sound like conductive deafness, when sounds cannot get through the ear due to an obstruction in the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear — the bit behind the eardrum — with the nasopharynx, the space at the back of the roof of your mouth.

In your case the obstruction is most likely caused by mucus left after an infection.

I would suggest trying an Otovent Nose Balloon, available for about £15 from chemists or online, writes Dr Martin Scurr

I would suggest trying an Otovent Nose Balloon, available for about £15 from chemists or online, writes Dr Martin Scurr

The Eustachian tube allows air to enter or leave the middle ear cavity, equalising the pressure with the outside world. There is a valve at the point where the tube enters the nasopharynx and if you have a cold, allergy or sinus infection, you may hear it click or pop as it activates when you swallow.

Respiratory tract infections may leave residual mucus obstructing the Eustachian tube; inflammation can also continue even when the infection has been cleared. As a result, the Eustachian tube and valve may malfunction for a while. Swallowing hard can help, allowing air to enter the middle ear.

But I would suggest trying an Otovent Nose Balloon — available for about £15 from chemists or online. It’s specifically designed to help open the Eustachian tube in patients with symptoms like yours.

First use a puff or two of a nasal decongestant spray (e.g. Otrivine, or an equivalent, also from the chemist without prescription) in each nostril.

Then plug the nose piece attached to the balloon into one nostril, press the other nostril closed with a finger — and inflate the balloon to the size of a large orange, by blowing hard with your mouth shut.

Then do the same on the other side. Repeat the process — which takes a few minutes — three times daily. I would expect your blockage to clear within days.

If it doesn’t, you may need to be referred to an ear, nose and throat specialist for a minor operation to insert a grommet (a tiny tube which allows air to pass through the eardrum).

Be aware that grommets do not need to be surgically removed later, but will simply fall out on their own after six months or so.


For years, I have suffered dry and peeling skin around the tops of my fingers. No amount of creams helps and it seems to be getting worse as l age. I am 81.

Pamela Hammond, Maidenhead.

Dr Scurr replies: Diagnosing any skin condition without a physical examination is always difficult but I have two thoughts.

Firstly, this could be chronic dermatitis, an allergic response to a chemical to which you have been regularly exposed. One likely culprit is methylchloroisothiazolinone, a preservative used in many skincare products including shampoo and liquid soaps to prevent fungi and bacteria growing in the product.

Allergic dermatitis can occur in those who become sensitised to a chemical or ingredient — and even brief contact with it will then trigger symptoms.

Using gloves for every activity that involves contact with detergents is the best protection.

The second possibility is you might have an atypical form of the skin condition psoriasis. I’ve seen cases before where the peeling and flaking is confined to the fingertips and there is a variant of psoriasis called acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau — where pustules form on the tips of the fingers. However, it’s rare and usually also involves the toes.

Do consider the possibility that your symptoms are due to sensitisation to methylchloroisothiazolinone. It’s also found in many emollients and other skin creams, so ask your chemist about a simple cream as a moisturiser and use skin cleaners such as Cetaphil — designed for sensitive skin.

In my view... bring back home care for the elderly 

Old age and frailty are on the horizon for all of us, but who will look after us when the time comes? When I was in NHS general practice we had a local district nurse (now called community nurses) and health visitors working with us.

All elderly patients requiring care at home were listed, any concerns raised — and plans made accordingly.

Those days are over. Health visitors no longer have a mandate to care for the elderly and the number of community nurses has plummeted (down to 3,749 last year from 7,055 in 2009, according to the Royal College of Nursing). The result is that medically fit patients remain in ­hospital as there is no care available at home and those who are at home often have to make a 999 call when situations arise, as they have no other help available to them.

There is much competition for extra resources in the NHS but surely home care is an area that should be prioritised as it would help lighten the burden in others? There could be worse places to start than by simply offering better wages and conditions to work in this vital area.

  • Write to Dr Scurr at Good Health, Daily Mail, 9 Derry Street, London W8 5HY or email drmartin@dailymail.co.uk — include your contact details. Replies should be taken in a ­general context; consult your own GP with any health worries.