Meet our Recruiters

Our recruitment team provides counselling and advising for prospective students (and their parents or guardians) who are interested in applying to the Faculty of Arts & Science at the University of Toronto. Our recruitment officers are experts in admission requirements for all Canadian and international school systems. We are here to answer your questions and help you complete your application.

We also have student ambassadors who can share their own journeys to U of T and chat with you about academics, campus life, the colleges and more. 

We encourage you to connect with us and sign up for a video chat. You can sign up for a video chat with anyone in our team by clicking one of the buttons below. You can also learn more about our recruiters and our student ambassadors by reading their bios below.

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Meet Our Recruiters 

Headshot of A&S recruiter Amy Chang

Amy Chang

Admissions & Recruitment Officer

Hometown: Daejeon, South Korea

Languages I speak: English, Korean

About me: I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies and Human Geography majors at U of T. Now being a member of the Faculty of Arts & Science recruitment team, I share my own student life experiences as an alumna and help prospective students with any admission inquiries that they might have.

I’ve also participated in the student exchange program during my undergraduate degree, so I understand how hard it is for international students to adjust to a new environment – I’ve been there! Please feel free to ask me anything about Toronto and U of T, including student organizations, clubs and work experiences so that I can help with your transition.

Outside of work, I love to travel and immerse myself in different cultures. Also, when the weather is nice, I like to go for long walks and enjoy the sunshine with a little sip of Starbucks! 

Ask me about: Admissions to the Faculty of Arts & Science, student life and best dessert shops in the city!

A fun fact about me: I am terrified of grass but I majored in Environmental Studies – if you are curious how I managed to do that, feel free to connect with me.

Headshot of A&S recruiter Shahryer Ahmed

Shahryer Ahmed

Admissions & Recruitment Officer

Hometown: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Languages I speak: English, Bengali

About me: I graduated from the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) with an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in International Development Studies. While I was a student, I worked in admissions, student recruitment and transfer credit as a work-study student. My love for helping prospective applicants navigate the landscape of higher education led me to earn a Master of Education degree from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), U of T. Now, I have the privilege of sharing my knowledge and experience to positively impact applicants’ higher education journies. 

Aside from work, I love to travel and most recently travelled to Bali, Indonesia and had the opportunity to watch the Balinese Kecak fire dance show at the Uluwatu temple.  

Ask me about: Admissions, transfer credit, international exchange programs, graduate/professional degrees, and education pathways.

A fun fact about me: I participated in CN Tower climb and hiked Doi Inthanon (the highest mountain in Thailand), Chiang Mai Province. 

Headshot of Joanne Li

Joanne Li

Student Services Advisor

Hometown: Guelph, ON   

Languages I speak: English   

About me: I graduated from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Commerce. While pursuing undergraduate studies, I worked as a Teaching Assistant for the Department of Economics and Peer Academic Mentor for the Residence Life Office. I enjoyed my experience so much at U of T that I returned after graduation to continue my career path in student services and have since assumed various student advising roles in different departments at U of T. I love working with current and prospective students to support their academic goals and enhance their student life experience. Feel free to connect with me if you have questions!

Ask me about: Admissions, program and course enrolment, transfer credits

A Fun Fact about me: I love all things Disney and visit Disney World at least once a year.

Headshot of A&S recruiter Paul Deacon

Paul Deacon

Student Services Advisor

Hometown: Stoney Creek, Ontario

Languages I speak: English

About me: I completed both my Bachelor of Education (BEd) and Master of Education (MEd) at the University of Toronto. I have worked in the Athletics Department (Coordinator of the Academic Support for Athletes Program) and as an academic advisor for current students (New College Registrar’s Office). I know how hard it is to decide on what university to attend and I’m here to help you determine if the University of Toronto is the right fit for you. I am always happy to speak with prospective students interested in studying in the Faculty of Arts & Science! Outside of work, I love comedy, live music and playing golf.

Ask me about: Admissions, transfer credits and athletics, sports and recreation at U of T. 

A fun fact about me: I have read every single Stephen King book! 

Carol Ye

Se (Carol) Ye

Student Services Advisor

Hometown: Jinan, China 

Languages I speak: English, Mandarin Chinese 

About me: I came into the Faculty of Arts & Science years ago as an international transfer student. After I completed my Honours Bachelor of Science degree with a Specialist in Psychology, I began my career in the Faculty’s registrarial world, learning through various academic advising roles. Because my undergraduate path wasn’t a straightforward one and having both experienced and seen the challenges international and domestic students faced when transitioning into university, it further motivated me to share my experience and knowledge with students like you, so you can have a smoother transition and university career.   

Outside of work, I enjoy hanging out with my cat, learning to play badminton, watching NBA games and TV shows (just finished Clarkson’s Farm). 

Ask me about: Admissions, the College system, transfer credits, program and course enrolment, and campus life.

A fun fact about me: My favourite NBA players are Steph Curry, Nikola Jokic and Luka Doncic. 

Headshot of A&S recruiter Christopher Lee

Christopher Lee

Recruitment Officer 

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario

Languages I speak: English

About me: I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and later defended my PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Waterloo. Since then, I have been working at the University of Toronto in a variety of roles and departments supporting students in their academic journeys! I use my experience, ranging across both the country and levels of postsecondary education, to help offer insight into what you can expect when studying at university. I look forward to meeting you and seeing you at U of T!

Ask me about: Admissions, application details, personalizing your degree and life in Toronto and on campus. 

A fun fact about me: I stood in line for 10 hours to watch the Raptors play in the NBA Finals at Jurassic Park!

Headshot of A&S recruiter Daniel Jermain

Daniel Jerman

Recruitment Coordinator

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario

Languages I speak: English

About me: I graduated from the Faculty of Arts & Science at Trinity College with an Honours Bachelor of Science in 2021. As a commuter student, I wanted to become as immersed in the U of T community as I possibly could. This is why I decided to participate in some of U of T’s First-Year Opportunities like the Trinity One Program and the First-Year Learning Communities (FLCs).  

At the end of my second year, I started working on campus as a Sidney Smith Commons Assistant, where I was able to share my experiences with students who were new to U of T. I really enjoyed working with incoming and prospective students, which is why I decided to join the Faculty of Arts & Science recruitment team soon after I graduated. 

I know that the transition to university can be a big one, so feel free to ask me any questions that you may have! 

Ask me about: Admissions, First-Year Opportunities, Life Sciences, program enrolment, student life and on-campus opportunities 

A fun fact about me: I love fashion and have recreated outfits from previous decades going all the way back to the 1950s!

Headshot of A&S recruiter Ellen Ocran

Ellen Ocran

Recruitment Officer, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario

Languages I speak: English

About me: I graduated from the University of Toronto Mississauga with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Sociolegal Studies and Political Science. My path to the University of Toronto community wasn’t a straight and narrow one. I returned to post-secondary studies at U of T after the birth of my child, who was later able to watch their mother cross the stage—one of my proudest moments! U of T can be for anyone, including you! Let’s connect, talk and work on supporting your goals. 

Ask me about: Communities on campus, alternate admission pathways, tailoring your degree and living your best life!

A fun fact about me: I played rugby in university!

Headshot of A&S recruiter Jan Braun

Jan Braun

Recruitment Officer

Hometown: Osler, Saskatchewan

Languages I speak: English, basic German and Low German

About me: Prior to my work as a recruitment officer, I worked in student advising across a couple of different divisions at U of T. I use my experience as a ‘first in the family’ student ─ who attended two different institutions in different areas of Canada ─ to break down barriers to post-secondary education and provide easy-to-access information for prospective students.

Ask me about: Application and admission requirements, transfer credits, transition and first-year programming.

A fun fact about me: I learned to swim as an adult.

Headshot of A&S recruiter Kelli Brenton

Kelli Brenton

Recruitment Officer 

Hometown: Hamilton, Ontario

Languages I speak: English

About me: Avid coffee drinker and frequent traveller. I am always on the lookout for my next adventure! As a former exchange student to Ireland, I love speaking to students about international experiences. When not travelling the world and speaking to students about university, I can be found walking my dog, Quincy, or settling in to a new book. I am always looking for a great second-hand book shop and the best cup of coffee in the cities I visit.

Ask me about: International admissions, study abroad and exchange, career exploration, global university rankings.

A fun fact about me: I have a goal to read 30 books this year!

Headshot of Miriam Irvine

Miriam Irvine

Associate Director, Student Recruitment

Hometown: Cambridge, United Kingdom

Languages I speak: English

About me: I graduated from the U.K. with a BSc (Hons) in Business Management and International Marketing and most recently received my Master of Education - Higher Education Leadership from the University of Toronto. With over 15 years’ of experience in the higher education sector, having worked for leading universities in the United Kingdom, I am excited to be part of a talented team of recruiters who are here to help you as you research, apply and transition to university. I came to Canada in 2012 and have never looked back – I am very lucky to call Canada and Toronto my home! 

Outside of work I enjoy traveling, learning new things and spending time with my family and friends. 

Ask me about: Anything – I can’t wait to chat with you about your academic career.

A fun fact about me: I danced competitively up until I was in my mid-20s, having competed in the Great British Championships for Irish Dancing, as well as appearing in productions of We Will Rock You and High School Musical. If I hadn’t gone into higher education industry, I would have gone into competitive and commercial dancing.

Headshot of Shankavy Paramanathan

Shankavy Paramanathan

Jr. Recruitment Officer

Hometown: Markham, Ontario

Languages I speak: English, Tamil, learning some other languages through movies!

About me: I graduated from UTSG in June 2023 with Honours Bachelor of Science in Health & Disease and Psychology, with a minor in Environment & Behaviour, and a certificate in Sustainability. I was a part of the First-Year Learning Communities (FLC) and it has been a big part of my undergrad. I was an FLC peer mentor all throughout undergrad and was an intern for the Sidney Smith Commons for the Arrive Ready Program that really got me interested in helping incoming and prospective students. Now as a part of the recruitment team, I enjoy sharing my experiences being a first generation university student, a commuter student, and the student life at U of T.  
Outside of work, I love watching movies/ shows in any language, (do share any recommendations) and I recently got a puppy! He is a Dutch Shepard named Bhaira who is very active and takes up most of my time :) 

A fun fact about me: I love music! I am always jumping for opportunities to learn and explore new instruments and music. I play a South Indian instrument called the Veena, sing, and can play a couple of other instruments. 

Headshot of A&S recruiter Stephanie Convery

Stephanie Convery

Recruitment Officer

Hometown: Oakville, Ontario

Languages I speak: English

About me: I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Classical Studies, completed a study abroad program at the University of Copenhagen, a post-graduate Certificate in Public Relations and most recently a Master of Education at the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). My professional experience working with prospective and current students allows me to provide you with university life information spanning from the application stage to your graduation. I look forward to meeting you, answering your questions and showing you why U of T has infinite opportunities waiting for you.

Ask me about: International opportunities, life on campus, combining programs, extra-curricular experiences and living in Toronto.

A fun fact about me: I find balance in listening to history podcasts and watching Bravo reality shows.


Meet Our Student Ambassadors

Coming Fall 2024!