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21 Tiny Habits That'll Make Everything You Cook Taste Better

These are seriously useful.

1. Chop ingredients uniformly.

2. Don't add ingredients to a pan until the oil is hot enough.

3. For the best sear, dry meat off with a paper towel first.

4. When working with aromatics, add garlic last.

5. Clean as you go!

6. Season things like mushrooms and zucchini after they brown, not before.

7. Brine chicken breasts before baking to make them extra flavorful.

8. Season as you cook, not just after.

9. And if you added too much salt, add acid.

10. Don't skip deglazing.

11. Finish pan sauces with a bit of butter for extra richness.

12. Remember that things continue to cook after you turn the heat off.

13. Save bones or veggie scraps to make broth or stock.

14. Remember that a sharp knife is way safer than a dull one.

15. Rinse rice to prevent it from becoming gloopy.

16. To cut onions without crying, pop them in the fridge or freezer first.

17. Fully read through the recipe and prepare all ingredients beforehand.

18. If you find a recipe you love, find other stuff by that same person.

19. Reheat things the way you first cooked them.

20. Bookmark this cheat sheet so you can pair whatever you've cooked with a drink that makes it taste even better.

21. Most of all, don't rush! Enjoy the cooking process.

What's your best cooking tip for beginners? Share in the comments!