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An Economy that Works for All

Hudson Valley families work hard day in and day out to make ends meet - I’m committed to delivering economic relief to ease the pressure. That’s why from day one, I took on Central Hudson for its outrageous billing practices that have plagued NY-18 families. During my first speech on the House floor this year, I called for its CEO’s resignation - he stepped down days later - and started my series of successful workshops to connect Central Hudson customers directly with company representatives in one-on-one sessions to find resolution. Kathy Drew, a New Paltz resident and attendee of my June workshop said: 

“I jumped at the chance to meet with a Central Hudson representation after spending months last winter trying to get help with a billing issue. They were completely professional, answered my questions, took responsibility for the problems I experienced with Central Hudson and followed-up with an email a few hours after our meeting.  Thank you to the Office of Representative Patrick Ryan for arranging these one-on-one sessions. I hope our U.S. representatives in New York State continue to hold Central Hudson management accountable for inaction, inconsideration and lack of communication with Poughkeepsie and New Paltz customers.”

I’ve called on Central Hudson to end its proposed rate hikes while it still is resolving its billing issues and I will continue to fight for Hudson Valley families until every customer who was wronged is made whole.

Billion dollar corporations shouldn’t be raking in record profits while exploiting Hudson Valley families. No one should have to choose between putting food on the table or affording their medications. That’s why I introduced my “Stopping Pharma’s Ripoffs and Drug Savings for All” Act to stop big pharma from gaming the system and to make affordable prescription drugs more accessible to our families.

Time and time again, the far-right has proposed devastating cuts that would gut programs like Medicare and Social Security - I will always fight to protect the benefits you’ve earned. My team’s caseworkers are also here to help you access these benefits and other funds you may be due like your IRS return or VA benefits - do not hesitate to reach out at (845)443-2930. My team can also help you access tax credits, like the scores or tax credits created by the Inflation Reduction Act, that you can learn more about here or grants to help you make your home more energy efficient and save money on your cost of living. 

In addition to lowering the cost of living, I’m working to ensure the Hudson Valley economy is vibrant and growing, with wages that actually allow families to stay here and raise their kids here. That’s why I cosponsor bills like the Paycheck Fairness Act to end gender-based wage discrimination,  the Federal Firefighter Pay Equity Act, and the Better Care Better Jobs Act.

As a former small business owner, I know the hard work and dedication that it takes to sustain and grow a business. Our family-owned businesses are the drivers of our local economies and I’m fighting day in and day out to get them the resources they need to thrive. I’m working to secure federal funds to help grow our local economies, like the $70,000 I delivered for the Hudson Valley Regional Council to grow emerging sectors like advanced manufacturing, clean energy, and technology. Contact my team to see how grant opportunities could help your business or community here.


The Biden Administration has made historic investments in the American manufacturing sector through the CHIPS act and in construction and our infrastructure with the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. I’ve called for these investments to go to quality union jobs and am committed to bringing these high-paying jobs back to NY-18. I’m proud to always stand with my friends in labor and cosponsor the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, the Postal Supervisors and Managers Fairness Act, and the Strengthening Supply Chains Through Truck Driver Incentives Act. 

I’m working to restore the Hudson Valley as a manufacturing hub in our nation, and part of that is bolstering our global competitiveness, which is why I support legislation like the China Financial Threat Mitigation Act and the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act.

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Around nine out of ten farms in NY-18 are family owned and operated. In this year’s Far Bill, I’m fighting to put the power back in the hands of our local and specialty crop farmers.  I’m proud to support them with legislation like the Agriculture Export Promotion Act, the FARM Act, and the Dairy Pride Act. When our apple farmers suffered losses from frost damage, I immediately brought in the USDA assistance to provide relief.