
Take your place at the cutting edge of innovation—and gain the practical skills to take engineering, biotechnology, data science, or robotics to the next level. With an advanced degree that focuses on engineering, mathematics, or technology, you prepare yourself for a career as an environmental engineer, data analyst, inventor, research, or professor.

Number 1 applied mathematics programs

  • No. 5 Mathematical Analysis programs
  • No. 8 Geometry programs 
  • No. 9 Mathematics programs

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Applied Urban Science and Informatics: AdvC, MS
Center for Urban Science and Progress

Computer Science: MS, PhD*
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Computing, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation: MS
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Cybersecurity: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Cybersecurity Risk and Strategy: MS
School of Law and Tandon School of Engineering

Data Analytics and Business Computing: MS
NYU Shanghai and Stern School of Business

Data Science: MS, PhD
Center for Data Science

Digital Humanities: AdvC
Graduate School of Arts and Science

Global Security, Conflict, and Cybercrime: MS
School of Professional Studies

Human Capital Analytics and Technology: MS
School of Professional Studies

Quantitative Management: MS
Stern School of Business

Scientific Computing: MS
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

*Interested applicants may have the opportunity to participate in the NYU Abu Dhabi Global PhD Student Fellowship program or the NYU Shanghai doctoral study and research program.
Interested applicants may have the opportunity to participate in the NYU Shanghai doctoral study and research program.



Biomedical Engineering: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Chemical Engineering: MS, PhD*
Tandon School of Engineering

Civil Engineering: MS, PhD*
Tandon School of Engineering

Computer Engineering: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Computer Science: MS, PhD
Tandon School of Engineering

Electrical Engineering: MS, PhD
Tandon School of Engineering

Environmental Engineering: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Financial Engineering: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Industrial Engineering: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering: MS, PhD*
Tandon School of Engineering

Mechatronics and Robotics: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Traffic Engineering: AdvC
Tandon School of Engineering

Transportation Planning and Engineering: MS, PhD
Tandon School of Engineering

*Interested applicants may have the opportunity to participate in the NYU Abu Dhabi Global PhD Student Fellowship program.
Interested applicants may have the opportunity to participate in the NYU Abu Dhabi Global PhD Student Fellowship program or the NYU Shanghai doctoral study and research program.



Applied Physics: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Applied Statistics for Social Science Research: MS, MS/MPA
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development; dual w/ Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Biostatistics: MS
School of Global Public Health

Mathematics: MS, PhD*
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Mathematics: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Mathematics in Finance: AdvC, MS, MS/MBA
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences; dual MBA w/ Stern School of Business

Statistics: PhD
Stern School of Business

*Interested applicants may have the opportunity to participate in the NYU Shanghai doctoral study and research program.



Bioinformatics: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Biomaterials: MS
College of Dentistry

Biomaterials/Clinical Research: MS/MS
College of Dentistry

Biotechnology: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship: MS
Tandon School of Engineering       

Construction Management: MS
School of Professional Studies

Construction Management: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Digital Media Design for Learning: AdvC, MA
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Educational Communication and Technology: PhD
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Executive Construction Management: AdvC
Tandon School of Engineering

Game Design: MFA
Tisch School of the Arts

Games for Learning: MS
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Integrated Design & Media: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Interactive Media Arts Global Low-Residency: MA
Tisch School of the Arts and NYU Shanghai

Interactive Telecommunications: MPS
Tisch School of the Arts

Management and Systems: MS
School of Professional Studies

Management of Technology: MS
Tandon School of Engineering

Music Technology: AdvC, MM, PhD
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Nursing Informatics: MS, MS/MPH
Rory Meyers College of Nursing; dual MPH w/ School of Global Public Health

Project Management: MS
School of Professional Studies

Technology, Culture, and Society: PhD
Tandon School of Engineering

Transportation Planning: AdvC
Tandon School of Engineering

Urban Infrastructure Systems: MS
Tandon School of Engineering


If you’re excited by more than one subject and would like to combine them to create your own individualized program of study, you may be interested in the MA in Individualized Study degree at the Gallatin School of Individualized Study.