MS in Data Analytics and Business Computing

The Master of Science in Data Analytics & Business Computing seeks to prepare pre-experience students with a strong analytical background for careers in a fast-growing field of business analytics. Students will learn how to use a data-driven approach to solve business challenges in the era of big data. With the interdisciplinary nature of business analytics, our program offers a broad yet rigorous curriculum in business (finance, marketing, revenue management, operations), data science (statistics, econometrics, data mining, data visualization), and management science (optimization, stochastic modeling, simulation). We emphasize both quantitative and technical methods and their applications in different functional areas in business. Students will benefit from the extensive industry experience of our faculty and seasoned professionials in the field.

Our program is a sister program of Stern’s MS program in Business Analytics (MSBA), which has been consistently in high demand in this field since its inception. While the MSBA program is for senior-level professionals, our MS program in Data Analytics and Business Computing caters to motivated pre-experience students or recent college graduates.

Learning Objectives

  • Develop data-analytic thinking and acquire knowledge of various quantitative and technical methods to make better business decisions and derive values.
  • Learn how to effectively deal with vast amounts of data through the whole data management process, from the initial data acquisition to the final data analysis and presentation.
  • Learn various methods and techniques to analyze data to generate business insights and to build predictive models to forecast and simulate future outcomes.
  • Learn how to formulate business problems as formal mathematical models and obtain optimal solutions to the formulated models.
  • Develop practical skills in programming using programming languages such as Python and R.
  • Learn how to apply data analytics, data management and data-driven decision making skills across various functional areas of an organization, including Finance, Marketing and Operations.

Message from Program Academic Director

Our program leverages the strong intellectual resources of the Stern School of Business and NYU Shanghai. Students will have the opportunity to learn from our world renowned faculty who offers not only fundamental tools and skills, but also knowledge and insights from their cutting-edge research in business analytics.

- Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences at NYU Stern
