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Monday, July 20, 1998 Published at 09:28 GMT 10:28 UK

World: Asia-Pacific

Battlefield surgery for survivors

Burials have started

By BBC correspondent Sean Dorney.

Doctors at the only hospital in Papua New Guinea's tidal wave disaster zone - Wahiu Catholic health centre at Aitape - say it resembles a battlefield dressing station.

The man in charge says they are doing war surgery. People with smashed-up bodies are being delivered to them by the hour, and some are having to be treated on the floor.

Brother Gary Hill, who has been a health extension officer in Papua New Guinea for 38 years, told me of how yesterday he was pulling dead bodies from the lagoon behind what was once a village, when he heard some splashing.

He found a woman alive, but with a badly broken leg. She'd spent the night trying to keep her head above the water, surrounded by five dead bodies. She's been taken to the provincial hospital for emergency treatment.


In the village of Nemis, which was obliterated by the tidal wave, one man was burying his wife. She had lain trapped in their house when it was crushed by the force of the tidal wave on Friday night.

It is no longer recognisable as a house; it's just a pile of debris on the ground. There's not a single house left in the village.

When the man recovered his wife's body, it had already begun to bloat in the harsh tropical heat. She had no coffin; the man covered her body with some old lino flooring, while a relative keened in sorrow nearby.

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