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High fives all around! In the last month, this community submitted 180 new ideas, started 361 discussions and posted 1511 replies.

Community activity

Less Number Of Search Suggestions

First Of All, Thank you for such a wonderful Browser. I have been using Firefox Mobile for a while now. Everything is perfect for my needs. Except for one thing.Less Number Of Search Suggestions.Firefox Mobile shows less number of search suggestions....

Lucifer by Making moves
  • 0 replies
  • 0 kudos

Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly

Hi folks,  In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built in...

asafko by Employee
  • 93 replies
  • 12 kudos

Can I get rid of this feature or do I need to use Chrome instead?

When I'm doing frequent searches for work and school I get these ridiculous captchas that I have to verify myself with because this browser thinks I'm a robot or something. It's ridiculously annoying. Can I turn this off or do I just need to use a di...

matt3 by Making moves
  • 0 replies
  • 0 kudos

Firefox Mobile toolbar redesign needs a compact mode

As of July 11, the main toolbar has been replaced in Firefix Android Nightly. It now takes up twice as much space, and that was just to add the forward and back buttons to it. Please add an option to return to the single row compact UI with the tab a...

"Enter" doesn't execute search in Firefox anymore

Pressing "Enter" in the empty search field doesn't execute search in Firefox anymore. It doesn't load Google page as it was before for a long time. It was very convenient way to go to the main Google page. Is it possibnle to bring this back?

Fully support Web USB and Web Serial

Web-based IDEs like Arduino and Github Codespaces are now commonplace. They are hobbled in Firefox due to an inability to access development boards without installing extra system software, which rather defeats the purpose of having an IDE that runs ...

ali1234 by Making moves
  • 41 replies
  • 45 kudos
Let's get started

Oh hey, it's great seeing you here! We're excited to connect, collaborate, and create great products...together. To help you settle in nicely and get started on your community journey, we've put together a few links.

  • Community Vision
  • Community Guidelines
  • The Idea Journey
  • Mozilla Support
    If you're looking for help with technical or performance-related issues, please visit Mozilla Support. That is the best channel for troubleshooting such issues as well as asking any how-to questions for all Mozilla products.
    Mozilla Connect is now two years old! Thank you all for continuing to share feedback and ideas, participate in meaningful discussions, and work together to help improve our products. We have some exciting plans for this year, including more opportunities to connect (see what we did there?) and collaborate.
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