Last Revised: July 02, 2024

Safety Alerts

See the red menu on the left side of your screen.  These alerts describe some safety events that have occurred at Penn and the important lessons learned from them.

Lab Safety Quick FAQs

Giving you quick answers to your most frequently asked lab safety questions.

Lab Safety Coordinators will receive an email with a new edition of Quick FAQs each quarter.  They can share these with their lab groups as appropriate.  An archive of all Quick FAQ questions can also be found at the link below.

Lab Safety Quick FAQs Archive

Reporting Lab Safety Events (Incidents) and Near Misses

Lab incidents are preventable but only if you understand how and why they happen. When we share our experiences and learn from accidents, incidents, and the unsafe acts and conditions that lead to them we make all Penn labs safer places to learn and work.


Near miss graphic

Report a Near Miss or Accident to EHRS
Report a Near Miss anonymously