Last Revised: June 07, 2024

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Almost everyone uses a computer in their daily lives. Many of us use computers in our jobs, to correspond with friends and family or to surf the internet. Those who use a computer extensively, either at work or at home, are at an increased risk of repetitive stress injuries.

The way we arrange our work stations and our work behaviors can increase or decrease our risk of injury.

The goal of this section is to provide computer users with tools to evaluate their work stations and information that will allow them to make changes that will reduce the risk of injury.

It is important to remember that not all solutions will work for everyone. The goal is to find the solution that will work for you.

Humantech Office Ergonomics

Humantech Office Ergonomics is a tool that you can use to assess your computer workstation.  The Humantech Office Ergonomics program provides information on computer, tablet and phone ergonomics (Learn), gives you an option to assess your workstation (Do), and suggests solutions to reduce your risk of injury (Manage).  See this webpage for more information: Humantech Office Ergonomics


See links in the red side bar for additional ergonomic information.