
The University of California has a responsibility to conduct its affairs ethically and in compliance with the law. Employees and others are encouraged to report all known or suspected instances of misuse of University resources and/or known or suspected instances of improper governmental activities by University employees.

Whistleblowers are protected from retaliation for making such reports. This site will provide information and links to help guide you through the policies and show you how to “blow the whistle.”

Executive Director of Civil Rights & Whistleblower Compliance Kellie Brennan is the Locally Designated Official (LDO) for UC Berkeley, charged with implementing the UC Whistleblower Policy and Whistleblower Protection Policy.

The Office of Investigations responds to reports of known or suspected improper governmental activity and retaliation.

Informational Posters/Brochure: 

UC Whistleblower

California State Auditor

2024 California State Auditor Brochure

Make a Report or
Call the University Wide Whistleblower Hotline: 
(800) 403-4744. 
*The Whistleblower Hotline is Independently Operated to Ensure Confidentiality.

New 2022 UC Whistleblower Poster

See the Whistleblower Policy.

See the Whistleblower Protection Policy