Office of Ethics, Risk and Compliance Services


Chief Ethics, Risk and Compliance Officer (CERCO)

CERCO Khira Griscavage oversees the Civil Rights and Risk Services units within the Office of Ethics, Risk and Compliance Services (OERCS), as well as Audit and Advisory Services, the Staff Ombuds Office, and other administrative functions, and is responsible for campus compliance infrastructure.

Deputy Compliance Officer 

Deputy Compliance Officer Sharon Inkelas oversees the Privacy and Policy Offices within OERCS and supports the CERCO in upholding campus compliance.

Civil Rights Units

Whistleblower Office

Assistant Vice Chancellor of Civil Rights,  Whistleblower and Clery Compliance Kellie Brennan is the Locally Designated Official (LDO) for UC Berkeley, charged with implementing the UC Whistleblower Policy and Whistleblower Protection Policy. The LDO receives reports, and can charge investigations into, reports of known or suspected improper governmental activity and retaliation. The Whistleblower Office also provides guidance to Whistleblowers and others seeking to raise a complaint or concern. Whistleblower complaints can be made via the Whistleblower web portal or hotline, called “Ethicspoint”.

Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD)

The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) oversees campus compliance with policies that prohibit discrimination and harassment for students, faculty, and staff, including those based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, religion, and other protected categories. OPHD receives reports of harassment and discrimination, provides support to those harmed, and resolves matters either formally or informally. Policies that OPHD oversees include the UC Policy on Sexual Harassment, as well as state and federal laws (e.g., Title IX); the UC Anti-Discrimination policy; and more. OPHD also oversees and monitors campus efforts to comply with Title IX athletics equity requirements.  

Clery Compliance

The Clery Compliance Office is responsible for ensuring transparency in campus safety and security by overseeing institutional compliance with federal law (Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act), including compiling the annual Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. This report includes current security policies plus crime and fire statistics for the previous three calendar years.


The Policy Office, headed by the campus  Compliance and Policy Specialist, is responsible for overseeing the development of campus policy and maintenance of a policy archive; delegations of authority; and conflict of interest questions.


The UC Berkeley Privacy Office, headed by the Chief Campus Privacy Officer, is the focal point for campus privacy issues.  The Privacy Office oversees institutional compliance with federal and state privacy regulations, as well as campus and UC policy, and strives to protect and promote UC Berkeley’s privacy values through a unified and comprehensive privacy program.


The Risk Services unit is responsible for enterprise risk services and traditional risk services. Enterprise Risk Services systematically builds and improves UC Berkeley’s enterprise risk management (ERM) capabilities to embed ERM into our organization, enabling senior management to focus on the right risks at the right time, and ensuring risk intelligence is available to respond to risks as they emerge. Traditional Risk Services administers a portfolio of insurance programs for the campus.