Category Archives: College

A student’s guide to celebrating Pride in and around Birkbeck

Sidhant Maharaj is an intersectional queer feminist activist from Fiji, currently pursuing their Masters in Gender and Sexuality Studies at Birkbeck, University of London. 

Greetings, I’m Sidhant! I thought Pride Month would be an opportune moment to explore the vibrant and inclusive community surrounding Birkbeck. London, known for its rich history and diversity, offers an array of activities and events that celebrate LGBTQ+ pride and promote intersectionality.

What is Pride and why is it important?

Pride is an annual celebration of LGBTQ+ identities, cultures, and communities. It originated as a commemoration of the Stonewall Riots of 1969, a pivotal moment in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights. Pride Month, celebrated every June, serves as a reminder of the struggles and triumphs of the LGBTQ+ community, advocating for equal rights, acceptance, and visibility.

Pride is important because it fosters a sense of belonging and community among LGBTQ+ individuals, promoting acceptance and love. It provides a platform to address ongoing issues of discrimination, inequality, and violence against LGBTQ+ people. Pride events and parades are not just festive occasions; they are acts of resistance and solidarity, reinforcing the message that everyone deserves to live authentically and without fear. Celebrating Pride means honouring the past, advocating for the present, and inspiring hope for a future where diversity is celebrated, and equality is a reality for all.

Here’s a guide to making the most of Pride Month in and around Birkbeck.

  1. Participate in the London Pride Parade

A rainbow pride flag is being held parallel to the floor as marchers in a pride parade move through crowds.

The annual London Pride Parade is a must-attend event, drawing thousands from around the globe. This year, the parade will take place on June 29th. The parade, known for its exuberant floats, music, and performances, highlights the strength and unity of the LGBTQ+ community. As a student, consider joining one of the university groups marching in the parade, which is a fantastic way to show solidarity and meet like-minded individuals.

Here is a list of other upcoming Pride events you should look out for:

  • London Trans+ Pride:London Trans+ Pride will take place on Saturday 27 July 2024
  • UK Black Pride:UK Black Pride is once again taking place in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Sunday 11 August 2024
  • Bi Pride UK 2024Bi Pride is taking place on Saturday 31 August at the University of West London, Ealing
  1. Visit the LGBTQ+ Cultural Institutions

London is home to several museums and galleries that celebrate LGBTQ+ history and culture:


  • The British Museum: Discover artifacts and stories that illuminate the lives of LGBTQ+ people throughout history. Join their LGBTQ+ tours for a unique perspective. The British museum has a number of Pride events this year, be sure to check them out.

  • Queer Britain: The UK’s first national LGBTQ+ museum, Queer Britain, located in King’s Cross, celebrates the stories, people, and places that have shaped the queer community.
  • Bishopsgate Institute: Home to the UK’s most comprehensive LGBTQ+ archives, this institute hosts regular exhibitions and talks on queer history.
  1. Engage with Local LGBTQ+ Organizations

Connecting with local organizations can enrich your experience and provide support networks:

  • Stonewall: A prominent LGBTQ+ rights charity, Stonewall offers volunteer opportunities and campaigns that you can get involved in.

  1. Attend Queer Performances and Events

Theatre, performance art and queer safe spaces play a crucial role in LGBTQ+ culture. London offers numerous queer-themed activities:

  • The Common Press: Located in Bethnal Green, The Common Press is a community-oriented space that hosts a variety of events including queer readings, performances, and workshops. It’s a fantastic venue for experiencing grassroots LGBTQ+ culture and arts.


  1. Explore Queer Literature

Literature offers profound insights into the queer experience. Check out these local literary spots:

  1. Participate in Academic Discussions and Workshops

Birkbeck itself hosts various seminars, workshops, and discussions on gender and sexuality:

  1. Enjoy Social Spaces and Nightlife

London’s nightlife is diverse and welcoming:

  • Heaven: One of London’s most famous gay clubs, offering vibrant nightlife experiences with themed nights and renowned DJs.
  • G-A-Y Bar: Located in Soho, this bar is perfect for meeting friends and enjoying a night out in a lively, inclusive environment.
  • Ku Bar: Also in Soho, Ku Bar is known for its friendly atmosphere and fantastic cocktails.
  1. Explore Queer-Friendly Cafés and Restaurants

Soho, in particular, is brimming with LGBTQ+-friendly eateries:

  1. Support Queer Businesses and Initiatives

Supporting local queer-owned businesses and initiatives helps strengthen the community:

  • Pride Pop-Ups: During Pride Month, various pop-up shops and markets feature queer entrepreneurs showcasing their products.

Final Thoughts

As a student at Birkbeck, University of London, you are part of a vibrant, diverse, and inclusive community. Engaging with the activities and events listed above will not only enhance your understanding of LGBTQ+ issues but also help you forge lasting connections. Embrace the spirit of Pride, celebrate diversity, and continue to advocate for equality and intersectionality in all aspects of life.

More information: 


“It’s time to move, take action and look after our mental health”

With Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 taking place from 13 to 19 May, William Sarenden, BA Philosophy student and Chair of the Birkbeck’s Students’ Union, shares tips for how to improve mental health, especially in the context of this year’s theme of movement.

William Sarenden on a run

William Sarenden on a run

It would be an understatement to say that mental health awareness is important. Even in a world that seems increasingly aware of its necessity, there is still much room for improved mental health outcomes and effective strategies in tackling the matter.

Mental Health Awareness Week is a chance for everyone to consider the impact mental health has on their lives. It’s here to show support for those in need as well as educate ourselves on the diverse facets of mental health, and offer avenues for reaching out and providing support.

Commencing on Monday the 13th of May, this year’s theme is “Movement: Moving more for our mental health” which underscores the interconnectedness between our physical activity and mental wellbeing.  With each daily action contributing to our mental health, it approaches the subject in a way we can all relate to and get involved with. This includes viewing mental health in a way that we are able to have a more holistic, accessible, and empowering approach to a healthy wellbeing.

Tackling the issues of stigma surrounding mental health, celebrating the people that support those in need and championing developments in our understanding is at the heart of this week’s meaning. With this all in mind, there are a few key messages highlighted by this year’s theme all of which are important to think about throughout the week:

The link between mental health and movement:
With a plethora of research that showcases the strong link between how our movements impact our mental health, it’s important that we regularly exercise, keep active and find time for ourselves. While having a physical exercise routine, going to the gym, or even heading out on a nice walk has its health benefits, the value that this time has for the mind is sometimes overlooked or not considered. Whether its time away from the constant level of stimulation provided by technology or a simple break away from work, it’s great to prioritise a time that allows you to focus on what will make you more aware of your mental state.

Accessibility and inclusivity:
Mental Health Awareness Week isn’t just about our own individual experience, but the collective experience of our communities. Understanding that we all have different levels of needs is key in supporting both our own and others’ wellbeing. It’s important that we take time to find out our own individual preferences and capabilities, whilst recognising the needs of others that may differ from our own and help in any way we can to better our community.

Prevention of mental health challenges:
In acknowledging the need for movement in our day-to-day life, we start the trend of being able to spend more time focusing on not only supporting existing mental health but playing a critical role in prevention. Prevention can come in many forms and this year’s theme showcases one of the best ways, by simply keeping fit and active.

Empowerment and self-care
Cultivating a positive relationship with our bodies, fostering a sense of balance, and taking ownership of our mental wellbeing is essential in empowering us to achieve what we want in life. It’s all about fulfilling those basic needs first that allow us to then face any of life’s daily challenges. We should always look to embrace movement as a form of self-care as it will not only improve our wellbeing but contributes to a culture that values and supports health and self-care practices.

My own advice to the reader
Discovering personalized methods to nurture our wellbeing lay the foundation for any robust mental health. Personally, I’m someone who loves to stay active, but I’ve learned to balance it with less fast paced moments. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll through one of London’s picturesque parks or a quiet reading session, these activities rejuvenate my spirit and allow for that much needed downtime. Additionally, I’m one of the many people who have a newfound love for running (although I’m still trying to find the right pace) which has been both a challenging yet exhilarating opportunity to discover new ways of working on my mental health. This week we should embrace the unknown by exploring new activities, joining clubs, or experimenting with different workout routines—because true insight into what truly uplifts us only emerges through exploration and experimentation.

William Sarenden taking a break on a run

William Sarenden taking a break on a run

Creating a better environment for ourselves and others
Building a sense of belonging is the key for many to connect with their mental health. In actively participating in many forms of movement; yoga classes, group exercise, team sport and any community led activity, we allow others to feel more welcomed and give them more opportunities for critical support. Sometimes all it takes is the company of others to help us get moving.

It’s very common for us to forget or neglect the need to look after our own wellbeing, when we all live busy lives and have a lot on our plate. Remember that this week serves as a reminder to take that time out and give ourselves and others the support needed to grow, develop, and live the best lives we can.

Birkbeck’s Wellbeing Service together with the Birkbeck Students’ Union has created a programme of events to mark the week, including mental health hubs where students can access support, a 6 hour walk around London and a film screening of ‘The Boys in the Boat’. Find out more and book onto ticketed events here.

Further information


How to prepare for a Chevening Scholarship interview

In this blog current Birkbeck Chevening scholars, Ahmed Alaa Yaqoob Maki, MSc Entrepreneurship student from Iraq and MSc Business Innovation students Aslan Saputra from Indonesia and Ramata N’Diaye from Mali, tell us how they tackled the Chevening interviews and give advice to this year’s applicants.

How did you prepare for your Chevening interview?

Ahmed Alaa Yaqoob Maki:

Ahmed Alaa Yaqoob Maki

First of all, congratulations on reaching this stage! To get started, go back to your application and focus on your essays and the key points you highlighted. Be ready to discuss any part of your application in detail, including your career goals, leadership experiences, and how you plan to use the Chevening scholarship to contribute to your home country. Furthermore, prepare to demonstrate your skills in leadership and networking through real examples from your past experiences. Most importantly, be knowledgeable about current events and issues in your country, the UK, and globally, especially those related to your field of study or professional sector.

In addition, you can find lots of mock interview opportunities. Practice with mock interviews to simulate the interview environment. This can help you become more comfortable with speaking about your experiences and achievements confidently. Feedback from these sessions can be invaluable.

Ramata N’Diaye:

Ramata N’Diaye

To prepare for my Chevening interview, I embraced a thorough approach centered around self-reflection, research on the Chevening scholarship, and diligent queries on my Top 3 universities. I immersed myself in understanding the Chevening Scholarship’s core objectives, values, and the attributes they seek in scholars. This foundational knowledge was crucial for tailoring my responses to align with Chevening’s mission.

I then reflected on my personal, academic, and professional experiences, identifying clear examples that demonstrated my leadership qualities, networking abilities, and commitment to positive change.

Recognizing the importance of staying informed, I kept abreast of current global and regional issues, particularly those relevant to my field of interest and my home country. Practicing mock interviews was also a pivotal part of my preparation, allowing me to refine my answers, improve my delivery, and build confidence.

Aslan Saputra:

Aslan Saputra

In my country, several people who had been shortlisted for Chevening formed small groups to be able to practice together and share the latest information about the Chevening application.

When I entered the shortlisted stage, I knew the story I brought to the application attracted the hearts of the Chevening committee, so my task during the interview was to retell it more enthusiastically and in more detail so that my charisma became stronger and more promising.

What advice would you give to this year’s shortlisted candidate on how to ace their interview?

Ramata N’Diaye:

For this year’s shortlisted candidates, my advice is to deeply understand what Chevening stands for and thoughtfully reflect on your journey and aspirations. Articulate your vision clearly, demonstrate how you embody the Chevening values, and be prepared to engage in discussions on current affairs with insight and poise. Remember, authenticity and preparedness are key to acing the Chevening interview.

Aslan Saputra:

My advice is to not bring new stories to the interview. Just elaborate on the essay that you wrote previously, and show your unique and strong character. Don’t be too stiff, and learn how to tell stories that are interesting and fun.

Ahmed Alaa Yaqoob Maki:

When answering questions, consider using the STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses. This method helps you deliver comprehensive and compelling answers.

Further information



Bernard Crick: A Political Education

By Joanna Bourke, Professor Emerita of History, Birkbeck, University of London and author of Birkbeck: 200 Years of Radical Learning (OUP, 2023).

Bernard Crick

Bernard Crick at the Annual George Orwell Memorial Lecture (JSTOR)

Bernard Crick was one of the most distinguished British political scientists of the twentieth century and a self-proclaimed polemicist. He established the Department of Sociology and Politics at Birkbeck in 1972 and was its Chair until he took early retirement in 1984. In those thirteen years, Crick transformed Birkbeck’s intellectual and political character, leaving behind one of the most respected Politics Departments in the country.

Crick was born in 1929 and died in 2008, at the age of 79. He studied Economics at University College, London, before moving to the LSE to complete his doctorate, awarded in 1952 and published in 1958 under the title The American Science of Politics. It was a critique of the behaviourist streak of American politics. Although he taught in many American universities (including Harvard, McGill, and Berkeley in the 1950s), his first permanent academic posts were at the LSE and then the University of Sheffield. In 1972, however, he was appointed to Birkbeck to establish the college’s first Department of Politics and Sociology.

Crick was thrilled to be appointed at Birkbeck. He had been commuting to Sheffield from London for years and was relieved to be back in his home-city. He was also a strong supporter of adult education, believing that it was important for students of sociology and politics to have practical experience in the ‘real world’. One of his early messages after arriving at Birkbeck was to inform prospective applicants that ‘candidates from a first degree into which they came straight from school will not usually be considered’! He also thought that adult students improved the entire learning experience. Crick always argued that a university ‘should be a creative sharing, not a departmentalisation of learning’, as he put it in Political Thoughts and Polemics (1990).

For Crick, politics was ‘ethics done in public’. This aphorism was another way of saying that he was an enthusiastic advocate of the unity of theory and practice. This was why, during his editorship of The Political Quarterly, he made it into a leading forum for debate about political theory as well as practice. The entire raison d’être of academic politics was to forge an engaged citizenry. Indeed, the fate of democracy lay with people’s civic literacy, which is why Crick was dismayed by the profound political ignorance of most Britons.

Not surprisingly, Crick was a pragmatist. ‘Real’ politics was messy. It had to deal with the vast diversity of competing and conflicting interests, as well as being unpredictable, which is one reason Crick argued against the ‘scientistic’ behaviourism of many North American schools of political thought. His emphasis was on politics-and-society, rather than political science, with its emphasis on abstracted data rather than social values and meaning. Effective politics involved negotiating, compromising, and seeking consensus. In other words, the world of politics was about reconciling differences. As Crick wrote in 1971, political science had to be ‘aware of the inextricable relationship of theory to practice and hence the need for political relevance’. He quipped that ‘the world may not need political science… but political science needs to be relevant to the world to be profound as a discipline’.

Crick refused to identify with doctrinaire partisans of either the Left or Right but contended in In Defence of Politics that political scientists should ‘argue only for relevance’, retaining an ‘independent-minded critical engagement’ rather than an ‘uncritical commitment or loyalty to party’. When he was asked by one Derbyshire miner who had read his books, ‘Ay, I gets all that; but does thee not believe in anything, Professor lad?’, Crick responded by saying, ‘I am a democratic socialist’. Probably more tellingly, however, is the story that Crick was delighted when one interviewer called him an ‘extremist at the centre’.

The book for which Crick was most proud was his biography of George Orwell, published in 1980. It was the first major study of Orwell and was a best-seller. Crick donated royalties from the hardback version of this book to establish the George Orwell Memorial Trust. He also founded the annual Birkbeck Orwell Lecture and Orwell Prize for political writing. He could frequently be heard reciting Orwell’s famous aphorism: ‘What I have most wanted to do… is to make political writing into an art’.

Crick was an individualist. He was not a ‘team-player’; nor was he a particularly effective administrator, although he was a keen advocate for early career scholars he admired. Labour politician David Blunkett, who studied under Crick, put it well when he called Crick a ‘character…. a one-off’. During his tenure at Birkbeck, Crick promoted the highest scholarship and teaching. The Department he created in 1972 continues to flourish and to ensure that political writing is relevant and rigorous, as well as an art.


Barbara Hardy and Literary Scholarship

By Joanna Bourke, Professor Emerita of History at Birkbeck and author of Birkbeck: 200 Years of Radical Learning for Working People (OUP, 2023)

Barbara Gwladys Hardy was a distinguished literary scholar, who spent most of her career at Birkbeck. She was famous for being one of the UK’s foremost experts on the nineteenth-century novel, but her work included critical analyses ranging from Shakespeare to modernism. Amongst many others, she wrote on George Eliot, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Charles Dickens, W. M. Thackeray, Daniel Deronda, Thomas Hardy, Dylan Thomas, James Joyce, W. B. Yeats, and Ivy Compton-Burnett. She was also an accomplished memoirist, as well as a writer of poetry, fiction, and drama. She was President of the Dickens Society and Vice-President of The Thomas Hardy Society.

Hardy was a glamorous academic. She was socially gregarious, feminist in her outlook, and politically leftwing. As a young person, she had even joined the Communist Party for a short time. Her early life had been difficult. In her autobiography Swansea Girl, Hardy revealled her pride in being Welsh, but also her family’s financial struggles. They were poor:  her father was a sailor whom she rarely saw while her mother worked in an insurance office. From a young age, it was clear that Hardy was intelligent. She was sent to the selective (‘posh’) Swansea High School for Girls, where teachers complained that she was mischievous. When Higher Education beckoned, she chose to go to University College, London, where she was awarded a BA in 1947 and an MA two years later. By 1951, she could be found at Birkbeck, employed as an assistant lecturer. She was appointed to a Chair in English literature at Royal Holloway but, after five years, returned to Birkbeck in 1970s as the first Geoffrey Tillotson Professor of English Literature.

Hardy’s texts are ‘personal, impassioned and particularised’, as she admitted in a volume of her collected essays. As she insisted in Tellers and Listeners (1975), she believed that ‘nature, not art, makes us all story-tellers’. When she turned to James Joyce’s The Dubliners, she contended that ‘like all great works of art, [it] is about itself. Its stories are about telling, listening and responding to stories’. She understood narrative in a broad sense, including stories, gossip, dreams, secrets, and lies. Narrative was primarily an ‘act of mind transferred to art from life’, she once explained. Indeed, this was the impulse that led Hardy to turn away from ‘theory’: she belonged to the empirical tradition of English criticism.

Hardy’s reputation can be gauged by numerous prizes and other accolades thrust upon her. In 1962, the British Academy awarded her the Rose Mary Crawshay Prize for her magnum opus, The Novels of George Eliot (1959). This was the book that not only launched her career but also forced literary scholars to take the nineteenth century novel seriously. Then, in 1997, her novel London Lovers won the Society of Author’s Sagittarius Prize and she was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. In 2006, she was made a Fellow of the British Academy. She retired in 1989, and was succeeded in her Chair by the equally distinguished literary scholar, Professor Isobel Armstrong.

Hardy loved working at Birkbeck. Her lecturing style was bold and entrancing. She would swish into class wearing long William Morris-type dresses and, for an hour without break, would attempt to convey some of her enthusiasm for literature to her class. She was renowned for never referring to notes during lectures. This was a deliberate decision stemming from a searing experience when, during the very first lecture she ever gave in front of a class, she had the misfortune to be ‘inspected’. The Inspector later commended her teaching but criticised her for looking down at her written text too frequently. From that time, she ensured that she prepared meticulously for her classes, but appeared in lecture-halls paperless.

Students and colleagues enjoyed her company. She was very different from her predecessor as Head of the English Department. This was Geoffrey Tillotson, Head between 1944 and 1969. As a tall, lean, ascetic-looking Yorkshireman, Tillotson was a master of irony, bordering on sarcasm. ‘Do not omit to be literate’, he wrote in his immaculate italic handwriting when a student left out an apostrophe. One of Tillotson’s favourite aphorisms was ‘Criticism, trembling with sympathy, cannot but be ruthless!’. In contrast, Hardy was warm and keen to listen as well as speak. One of her students recalled how, one minute, she was laughing loudly with them in the refectory; the next, indignantly railing against gender inequalities. Despite her literary erudition, she was as comfortable debating about whether The Archers (a radio soap opera) was ‘just melodrama, or something more subtle’ as she was unpicking the narrative structure of the Divine Comedy. Although Hardy loved dinner parties (she was a great cook and entertainer) and enjoyed lively discussions, she often joked that one of the chief advantages of working at Birkbeck included ‘a perpetual and automatic alibi for declining unwanted invitations’ to social events: lecturers simply had to say ‘Sorry, I lecture in the evenings’. This excuse also gave Birkbeck lecturers a ‘plausible excuse’ for watching films in the mid-afternoon or even simply ‘lingering over coffee’. More seriously, in 1964, she told The Lodestone (the Birkbeck students’ journal) that the most significant advantages of working at Birkbeck were intellectual. Because academic staff taught in the evenings, she maintained, there is still a goodish chunk of daylight time for research and writing, and the boon of having students who already know the facts of life. This is probably helpful in subjects like psychology… but in teaching English literature it is splendid never to encounter the kind of student who once asked me (in a full-time college) why Othello and Desdemona couldn’t just have talked the whole thing over.

Of course, Hardy continued, there were some disadvantages as well. Birkbeck students could be ‘maddeningly opinionated’ and there was the perennial problem of booking adequate teaching rooms. But these ‘crumples in the roseleaf’ were ‘mere fleabites’.

Barbara died in 2016, aged 92. She is remembered for her incredible scholarship and literary sensibilities. As she contended in Tellers and Listeners, ‘The good teller and the good listener are loving and truthful, aware of each other, as parents and children, friends and lovers, courteous strangers, novelists and readers’.


Cecil Alec Mace, Founder of the Birkbeck Department of Psychology

By Joanna Bourke, Professor Emerita of History at Birkbeck, University of London and author of Birkbeck: 200 Years of Radical Learning (OUP, 2023).

Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, visiting Birkbeck’s Department of Psychology in 1953. Also present are Dr. Fuchs (Chief Technician) and Professor C. A. Mace (founder and Head of Department)- JSTOR image library

Cecil Alec Mace was the first Professor of Psychology at Birkbeck. He was known for his work as an industrial psychologist, as well as his thoughts on causality, the ‘mind-body’ problem, logic, behaviourism, self-identity, and the emotions. He was especially witty when addressing the question: ‘Must philosophers disagree?’, which, he quipped, was guaranteed to result in a room of philosophers spiritedly disagreeing!

Psychology was not Mace’s first choice for a career. When he attended the University of Cambridge, it was to study for Holy Orders. He soon switched to moral philosophy, highly influenced by analytical philosopher G. E. Moore and industrial psychologist Charles Samuel Myers. After academic positions at the University of Nottingham, St. Andrews University, and Bedford College, he joined King’s College London.

Mace’s route to Birkbeck was circuitous. Before the 1940s, psychological studies in the colleges of the University of London were part of a philosophy degree. Since Birkbeck did not have a Professor of Psychology, Birkbeck students took their two compulsory psychology papers at King’s College, under the tutorage of Francis Arthur Powell Aveling. With the start Blitz, all colleges in the University of London except Birkbeck fled the city for less dangerous localities. Aveling, however, was left behind and enthusiastically accepted an invitation by C. E. M. Joad, who was Head of Philosophy at Birkbeck, to transfer his teaching of psychology to Birkbeck’s premises.

It was a bold move, but, when Aveling died the following year, his lectures were taken over by Mace. Like Aveling, Mace was as much a philosopher as a psychologist—indeed, he served as President of both the British Psychological Society as well as the Aristotelian Society. At Birkbeck, however, Mace was responsible for enabling Psychology to be granted its own disciplinary status, separate from philosophy. By 1944, the Philosophy and Psychology Departments had become separate Departments, with Mace acting as Professor of Psychology for seventeen years until he retired in 1961.

Mace had interesting thoughts on the use of incentives in the workplace. He argued against the notion that workers were primarily incentivized my money. Rather, they had a ‘will to work’. Along with Bertrand Russell, Mace contended that ‘belief is central to any analysis of the mind’. He also reflected on how Cartesian concepts might be replaced by ‘psychosomatic’ concepts ‘in which the person is thought of as a being – a single being – who has both bodily and “mental” (or psychological) attributes and whose “experiences” are psychosomatic’. He believed that this would greatly help in physician/patient relations. Well before it became fashionable, Mace was curious about cybernetics and information theory. He was also passionate about the role of both philosophy and psychology in war. During the First World war, he had been a pacifist and, as a consequence, spent that war at Dartmoor prison where he studied the psychological effects of imprisonment. During the Second World War, he was Secretary of the Council for Assisting Refugee Philosophers.

Mace’s thoughts on the ‘psychology of study’ were important in the way he approached his classes at Birkbeck. Mace argued that too much attention was being paid to memorization, contending that the mind (similar to the stomach) ‘must take its meal in moderation’. Students benefitted most from lectures if they spent the time listening, rather than frantically jotting down notes (which, he wittily added, should only be contemplated when the professor ‘has a fit of sneezing’).  This was compatible with Mace’s ‘performative approach’ to teaching. He was an accomplished lecturer, giving his students highly stylized performances on subjects as diverse as the psychology of study, scientific management, the structure of the mind, mental deficiency, and logic. He was reported to have described his philosophy of teaching as ‘All one can do is think aloud, and hope that some of it will brush off’.  When Mace died in 1971, The Times reported that he had been responsible for creating ‘the biggest and best-known psychology department in the country’.

Cecil Alec Mace

Oil painting of Cecil Alec Mace, unknown artist, Birkbeck image collections: Birkbeck history BH0119


Highlights from a tour of Parliament

Leo Hardwick, Student Immigration Compliance Reports Officer at Birkbeck, took part in a tour of the UK Parliament with 17 Birkbeck students, and in this blog he shares their experience.

Birkbeck students in Westminster Hall

Birkbeck students in Westminster Hall

We met, wind blowing, rain falling, next to the statue of Oliver Cromwell: dictator of England and Scotland. It had not yet gone 9am, and his stern, angry face was mirrored in the multitude of commuters, hurrying to their officers around Westminster, who were yet to have the sweet nectar of the first macchiato of the day.

We were the exception to this mood. A group of 17 Birkbeck students. From all over the world. Studying courses from Management to Art History. We were there for a tour of Parliament, organised by International Student Administration.

We met our tour guide in the main hall, the oldest part of the building – and one of the coldest rooms I have ever been in. The hall was the location for the trial of Charles I, who was sentenced to death for crimes against his people (over 100 years before the French repeated the exercise). We stood in the middle of the hall, where he had been seated, and felt the history.

What followed was a whistle-stop tour of British history, each room, each stone, witness to some of the most significant moments of our past. Our tour guide was excellent. Her enthusiasm infectious. First stop was the House of Commons, where MPs sit and debate. We brushed past the dispatch box: where Gladstone had fought Disraeli; where Asquith had told the nation of Britain’s entry into the Great War in 1914; where Churchill had made his famous speeches. We stood next to the bench Lady Astor, the first female MP to actually take her seat in the commons in 1919, had once sat.

The excitement was extinguished somewhat when the tour guide informed us that the chamber had been destroyed during the Second World War. Gladstone popped from view. That dispatch box had actually come from New Zealand…. And those benches, IKEA (well, maybe not). The bomb damage is still visible above the entry to the chamber.

We moved to the House of Lords. The carpet, and the benches, changed from green to red. The King’s throne haunts the Lords – he had been there a week earlier for the opening of Parliament. Some were taken aback that in this chamber sat the decedents of nobles who had come over with William the Conqurer in 1066. Products, like the King, of hereditary power. Even though the Commons once chopped off the head of a King – another Charles – the ancient regime lives. History lives.

The final stop was St Stephen’s Hall – where the Commons sat before the fire of 1834. This was the tour guide’s favourite room. This was where William Wilberforce had spoken out against slavery, and it was where, belatedly, slavery was finally outlawed. We were told that great things had happened in this space. As the tour guide explained, British political history seems to be a lesson, like it or not, in patience. Radicalism exists, but it is the product of forces that move like glaciers.

We finished our tour in the café, with cake and tea, and a sense of awe. A Birkbeck alumnus had once entered Westminster as one of the first MPs of the newly founded Labour Party, at the beginning of the twentieth century. He went on to become Labour’s first prime minister – Ramsay Macdonald. The illegitimate son of a housemaid, born into poverty, he represented real social mobility in Britain – his journey to the top had started in the corridors of Birkbeck, long before he swapped them for Westminster.

Further information


200th Anniversary Birkbeck Effect: Sundeep Donthamshetty, Co-founder of WEGoT Utility Solutions

Following his MA in Intelligent Information Systems from Birkbeck, Sundeep Donthamshetty used his newfound skills gained on the course to found technology start-up WEGoT Utility Solutions, pioneering ways of conserving water in his native India and creating new solutions to the problem of water conservation.

WEGoT designed and developed a ‘smart’ water meter that sends relevant data to the consumer in almost real-time, allowing them to monitor and take responsibility for how much, where and for what purpose they are using water in areas where water conservation presents real challenges. To date, WEGoT has saved over three billion litres of water.

Sundeep studied his Master’s degree part-time while raising his children and credits the course with giving him both the knowledge and confidence to become an entrepreneur.


200th Anniversary Birkbeck Effect: Tasneem Abdur-Rashid, Author

Creative Writing master’s graduate Tasneem Abdur-Rashid had her novel manuscript rejected by several publishers before she’d even applied to the degree programme. She had no idea why that was the case until she spoke with her Birkbeck tutor, who helped her to cut down the word count and tighten up the subplots and characters. She then had no trouble securing a two-book publishing deal.

Representation in fiction is important to Tasneem. In her debut novel, Finding Mr Perfectly Fine, the protagonist is a British Bengali Muslim. “I want people like me to pick up my book and find characters they can relate to. I think the story transcends culture because finding a partner is a universal challenge.”

Tasneem was the recipient of an Aziz Foundation scholarship, aimed at supporting British Muslims through postgraduate degrees in a range of subjects, which allowed her to succeed at Birkbeck.


200th Birkbeck Effect: Tony Atcherley – WWII veteran and Legion d’Honneur

A wireless operator in the Royal Corps of Signals during the liberation of France in WWII, Tony Atcherley was awarded the Légion d‘Honneur in 2015, the highest accolade of military recognition.

He graduated with a Certificate of Philosophy at Birkbeck’s then Faculty of Continuing Education in the 1950s. Back then, it was difficult to go to university if you didn’t have the normal background of completing a grammar school education and so on. The only chance anyone had was Birkbeck. It had a fine reputation, and some famous historians were there. It was full of very distinguished scholars.

Tony became a secondary school teacher of English and Religious Studies and then a lecturer at the University of Brighton. After retiring he co-wrote  Hitler’s Gay Traitor: The Story of Ernst Roehm, Chief of Staff of the S.A with Mark Carey. He died in 2017.
