
Birkbeck’s blogs

Birkbeck’s blogs are written by members of the College community and guests. This includes our students, alumni, staff and people who we invite to blog on our platforms. The blogs are the personal opinions of the respective authors and do not reflect the opinions of the College.

Please view our etiquette guidelines if you wish to contribute to the Birkbeck blogging platform. We have also put together some information on how to become a Birkbeck blogger.



One thought on “About

  1. Daniel Hultgren

    Hi There,

    I’m getting in touch from the Institute of Art and Ideas, as we’ve just released a new debate online I thought might be of interest to readers of your the Birkbeck Comments blog. The Tyranny of Freedom features renowned Slovenian philosopher Renata Salecl, feminist psychologist Lynne Segal and best-selling Canadian philosopher Lou Marinoff questioning whether the abundance of choice is overwhelming our rational decision-making. I hope you enjoy it! You can find a link here, along with an embed code for your site.


    Many thanks!

    Best wishes,


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