
Report graffiti to keep Banff beautiful

 The Town of Banff asks residents and visitors to photograph and report graffiti in the town site. Graffiti is vandalism that is removed as soon as possible to maintain Banff’s reputation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Left in place, one graffiti ‘tag’ often leads to more vandalism. 

Removal of graffiti on private or public property also drives up costs for businesses and public taxes, which also affects rental rates, resulting in an impact on all residents and visitors. 

Help us quickly work with property owners to remove graffiti from private property and help Town crews address damage to public property. Reporting helps enforcement staff document graffiti, which can lead to multiple charges to vandals who uses the same ‘tags’ in different locations.

Photograph graffiti and submit with the location.

 Public Art

The Town of Banff has a public art program, several arts classes, and we work with local partners such as the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, the Banff Public Library and the Banff Canmore Community Foundation, to help local artists develop and share their work in a way that doesn’t detract from this special place in Canada’s first national park. 

Learn about Public Art in Banff.