Extra Support for Children

Our program has a 1:12 ratio of staff to children. If you have questions or concerns about the level of support that your child may require while at Summer Fun, please reach out at any time.

If your camper requires a 1:1 support ratio to engage safely and successfully at camp, they are welcome to attend with their private support person. If you are unsure if your child will require a private support person, please contact our administration to chat further at summerfun@banff.ca 

Medication at Summer Fun: if your child will need medication administered at camp or during overnights as part of their support plan, please ensure you fill out a medication form.

What does extra support mean?
Did your child / youth receive support from additional staff at school: in a small group or 1:1? Did they need some extra support with transitions, big feelings, building relationships, self-regulation, or learning? Did they receive support above and beyond what a single teacher provides every day? Let us know!

It’s important to connect with Summer Fun as early as possible (even before registration), so that we can set your child and our team up for success. The more we know about the support each group might need, the easier it is for us to make informed choices about logistics, hiring, and training. 

Although we cannot guarantee extra support for your child, we want to try and serve all families the best that we can. Get in touch any time at summerfun@banff.ca

* Please note: Diagnosis and FSCD funding can take up to 18 months to receive in the Bow Valley. If you believe your child would benefit, please pursue this option as soon as possible.