Banff Railway Lands Area Redevelopment Plan

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Council approves ARP for Railway Lands

On June 24, 2024, Banff Town Council approved the Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) for the Railway Lands. 

The approval of Bylaw 479 paves the way for the creation of a multi-modal transportation hub, visitor arrival center, expanded intercept parking areas, and restoration and rehabilitation of heritage buildings and landscape features. It will provide improved pedestrian and cycling connections and opportunities for education, interpretation, and celebration of the history of Banff.

Before Council approved the ARP, they made several changes to the proposed plan, including removing references to a gondola terminus within the plan area, adopting new wording that emphasized transportation services and future multi-modal forms of mass transit and mobility options. This is consistent with the recommendations of the Expert Advisory Panel on Moving People Sustainably in Banff National Park. 

Council moved up housing and the rehabilitation and restoration of the conservation area (north of the railway tracks) to the short-term phase of the plan, rather than in the long-term phase. 

Several other minor edits and changes were also made to the proposed ARP as part of the second reading including: 

  • updating the land acknowledgement to reflect recent changes to Indigenous names and territorial descriptions
  • deleting the Transportation Impact Assessment as an Appendix and listing it as a reference document
  • revising the s. 4 Urban Design Goal text for clarity 
  • updating the description of “Medium Density Residential Transition Zone” to state “Residential Transition Zone” in light of proposed housing related amendments to the Land Use Bylaw
  • revising the s. 9 Infrastructure Goal text for improved clarity 
  • moving the implementation of Railway Avenue Shared Street to Long Term (10+ Years) Section 10.3 Phased Implementation, and 
  • adding supplementary definitions in the Glossary of Terms 

Key Dates

  • June 24, 2024 - Banff Town Council passed second and third reading of an amended ARP.
  • April 22, 2024 - Banff Town Council considered second reading of the bylaw to adopt the ARP. At that time, further consideration of second reading was deferredto a future meeting of Council. Several amendments to the area redevelopment plan were requested by Council including:
    • an adjusted phasing plan for the development area, that would advance the rehabilitation of the conservation area and residential area redevelopment within the Short Term (five years of adoption of the ARP) time horizon.
    • a statement clarifying that future developments involving an expansion of floor area or an increase in the intensity of use of land or a building are required to provide housing for staff as a condition of development approval. 
    • an amendment to proposed Section 5.8, Parking, clarifying that the final design and reconfiguration and/or expansion of the existing Fenlands Banff Recreation Centre parking lot to allow for an increase in intercept parking on the north side of the railway tracks is subject to the federally legislated Impact Assessment Act (S.C. 2019, c. 28, s. 1). It must take into account the changes to the environmental conditions and the positive and negative consequences of these changes that are likely to be caused by the carrying out of the project along with mitigation measures that are technically and economically feasible to mitigate any significant adverse effects from expansion of the parking area. 
    • an amendment to proposed Section 5.8, Parking, clarifying that in addition, or as an alternative to surface parking, a multilevel parking structure be explored at future date if deemed financially feasible, within the planning area.
    • amended wording to proposed Section 10.1.4, Plan Limitations, stating that all future development be subject to the provisions of the Impact Assessment Act including the definition and purpose of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). 
    • deletion of proposed Section 5.6, Aspirational Norquay Gondola Terminus in its entirety and that a new section or wording be drafted with an emphasis on transportation services and future multi-modal forms of mass transit and mobility options consistent with the recommendations of the Expert Advisory Panel on Moving People Sustainably in Banff National Park.
  • March 20, 2024 – a public hearing was held at Banff Town Hall.
  • February - March 2024 – the Town conduced an online survey, held a public open house and several resident engagement and stakeholder consultation sessions to gather feedback on the proposed ARP. 
  • December 11, 2023 - Banff Town Council passed first reading of a bylaw to accept the Area Development Plan (ARP) for the Railway Lands. 
  • February 11, 2019, Town Council established a Terms of Reference for the Railway Lands Area Redevelopment Plan that established the boundary of planning area and a summary of what council expected to be addressed in the Area Redevelopment Plan. This direction allowed the proponent to commence work on a draft plan. 
  • Read the 2019 report to Banff Town Council with the Terms of Reference for the ARP:

  • June 14, 2021, an overview of the scope of the Draft Railway Lands Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) was presented to the Governance and Finance Committee of Banff Town Council. The following document provides that briefing:
  • In 2023, the Proponent - Norquay/Liricon Capital continued to develop a draft ARP and conducted community consultation about the plan.

  • October 23, 2023, an overview the legislated review process for the Railway Lands ARP was presented to the Governance and Finance Committee of Banff Town Council. The following document provides that briefing about the next steps in the legislated process:

Proposed Plan

A draft of the proposed Railway Lands ARP was submitted by the proponent - Norquay/Liricon - to the Town of Banff on Friday, September 29, 2023, along with Technical Appendices and a copy of Liricon's “What We Heard Report” on their consultation about the ARP:

The Town sent these documents to Parks Canada for review and requested comment.

More background and information about the proposed plan is available from the applicant Liricon/Norquay: 

Public Input in 2024:

  • Review the engagement held in 2024 at 
  • The Town held several focus group sessions in February and public information sessions in March, and gathered input through an online survey and print questionnaires.

Download the Workbook for the workshop and focus groups (PDF)

Download the Questions & Answers from the public sessions on the Railway Lands ARP (PDF)

Following all engagement activity, a public hearing will conclude public input to Council before they consider changes and/or approval of the plan.

What is an Area Redevelopment Plan?

The Town of Banff Incorporation Agreement between the Government of Canada and Province of Alberta outlines the purposes and scope of authorities for the Town of Banff. The Alberta Municipal Government Act (MGA) outlines the scope of responsibilities for municipalities for adopting an Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP).

An Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) is a statutory plan that would be adopted as a bylaw by Town Council in accordance Alberta's Municipal Government Act and Article 5.5 of the Town of Banff Incorporation Agreement. 

The ARP must also be considered in conjunction with the Banff Community Plan, the Banff National Park Management Plan and the National Parks Act. 

ARPs are used to guide the redevelopment of existing, developed, or disturbed areas which are in need of some form of rehabilitation and improvement. ARPs provide a framework and supporting policies that will guide future public and private investment in the short term (within 5 years), medium term (5-10 years), and longer term (+10 years), and to assist decision makers during the review of future land use bylaw amendments and development permit applications.  

Approvals required

The Town is obligated to review all ARP applications. In order for an area redevelopment plan to be approved, the proposed bylaw to adopt the plan must receive three distinct and separate readings by council. Council must also hold a public hearing prior to second reading so that the public has an opportunity to provide feedback to council directly on the plan. If the plan is approved by council and third reading is granted, the plan is then forwarded to the federal minister responsible for Parks Canada for endorsement. 

Even with an approved plan for the area, any new buildings, changes or development would still require development permits and approvals for each component in the future.

Learn more about Area Redevelopment Plans

Background | The past influencing the present 

The Banff Railway Station has been a cornerstone in the evolution of Banff and railway tourism in Canada. As a gateway to the mountain west and part of Canada’s first transcontinental railway link, the railway helped to shape transportation in the region and played an important role in Confederation.

The Banff Railway Lands within the Banff townsite include the CPR mainline right-of-way, the historic Banff train station and associated station grounds, and adjacent lands that have been previously disturbed as a result of a century of the railway operations. The ARP builds on this historic context to strengthen the identity of site and the town. 

The area redevelopment plan study area is 17.4 hectares in area, of which approximately 13 hectares (32 acres) is leased to Norquay Mystic Ridge Ltd. It encompasses lands located on both the south and north side of the railway right-of-way adjacent to Norquay Road at the west entrance to Banff, lands along the length of the south side of Railway Avenue and includes the existing railway station building. The Town of Banff retains ownership of its roads, lane right of ways, and other utility infrastructure within the plan area. The CPR retains ownership of the station platform and its railway operations corridor.

The majority of the lands fall within the CR (Commercial Railway) Land Use District. Portions of the site are also located within the PS (Public Service) Land Use District along the south side of Railway Avenue, low density residential lands immediately adjacent to the south of the CR District, and a small parcel of PP (Public Parkland) land to the east of Elk Street. 

The heart and soul of the Banff Railway Lands ARP is the historic CPR station building. The station and construction of a transcontinental railway is directly linked to the development of Canada’s national park system and the evolution of Canada’s tourism industry. 

The concept of creating a visitor and arrivals/reception centre and intercept parking at the west entrance to Banff was contemplated as far back as 1992 in the Town’s Downtown Enhancement Concept Plan. The plan identified a need to explore options to link visitor services on the railway lands site with the downtown core and other destinations in Banff. It also encouraged “other methods of arrival that reduce the use of private autos including rail, and transfers to Calgary International Airport.”

 The ARP offers the opportunity to return this historic landmark and destination to its former prominence with several initiatives, including: 

  • Rehabilitating and restoring the historic railway station building 
  • Creating new public spaces better suited to today’s travelling public without compromising the historic character of the site 
  • Creating a multi-modal transportation hub
  • Investing in low carbon, climate resilient infrastructure 
  • Enhancing the interpretation of the history of the CPR and its significance in the evolution of railway tourism in Banff, as well as the larger history of the Bow Valley and its Indigenous Peoples. 

The plan also allows for the Fenland-Indian Ground Wildlife Corridor to be enhanced by the preservation and restoration of previously disturbed lands to a naturally revegetated state as functional wildlife habitat north of the railway tracks.

Enabling Legislation 

An ARP sits within a hierarchy of federal and provincial legislation and regulations, municipal policies, strategies, and bylaws. The figure below illustrates where the ARP fits within this hierarchy.

Legal Framework

Next Steps

Under the Incorporation Agreement (s 5.5), a Statutory Plan such as an ARP does not go into effect until approved by the Federal Minister. The “Federal Minister” is defined as a member of the King's Privy Council for Canada designated by the Governor in Council as the Minister for purposes of the National Parks Act, or their delegate.

The next step is for Parks Canada to provide a determination on the scope and level of environmental review, which would include, among other things, the preparation of a Terms of Reference for a Strategic Environmental Assessment and a description of the roles and responsibilities of the municipality, the project proponent and Parks Canada. 

Parks Canada will also confirm that the ARP conforms with relevant federal statutes and regulations, the Town of Banff Incorporation Agreement, and the Banff National Park of Canada Management Plan (as per Articles 5.15 and 6.1 of the Incorporation Agreement).

Redevelopment Objectives

The purpose of the Banff Railway Lands Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) is to create a vibrant, multimodal transportation hub and destination arrival centre that respects and enhances the historical, physical, and social context of the site. The overarching vision is to reinvigorate the railway lands. and restore the historic Banff train station and surrounding area to its former prominence, a gathering place for residents and a visitor arrival centre. The plan will also build on the historic character of the site and enhance the potential for the interpretation of the history of the Canadian Pacific Railway and its significance in the evolution of national parks and railway tourism in Canada.

With a view towards the future, the Banff Railway Lands ARP illuminates the central aspects of the station’s character while revitalizing both the station and surrounding site as a functional, multimodal transportation hub, gathering place, and arrival centre.

Commercial developments within the railway lands are all located on existing commercially zoned lands and planned to include retail shops, restaurants, bars, personal services, offices, transportation services, and other related commercial services. A range of commercial and community services are also to be encouraged within newly proposed standalone or mixed-use buildings, to promote services that meet the needs of residents, visitors, and the travelling public. 

Any newly proposed commercial uses are subject to the Town of Banff Commercial Growth Management Allocation Regulations and must be consistent with the use of the district for railway services.

Plan Content

The draft ARP is to be based on the approved Terms of Reference and extensive background research and analysis including the review of existing and past policy direction and several new background reports and technical studies. The proposed plan is to be divided into 10 sections as follows:

Section 1: Land Use describes the land use, the historic context of development in the Railway Lands, an overview of the ARP process and existing policy framework, and the overall vision of the plan. It summarizes the plan’s guiding principles, objectives, coordination with Town policies and technical studies that informed the ARP. 

Section 2: Site Framework summarizes the site framework, its surrounding land uses, plan attributes, principles, community, and environmental priorities in alignment with the goals and objectives of the Town of Banff plans and policies.

Section 3: Land Use Concept focuses on the policies that support implementation of a cohesive design concept for the system of streets, parks, and other public spaces that together provide the means for mobility, recreation, and social gathering within the plan area. 

Section 4: Urban Design contains design policies and guidelines for individual precincts, and includes direction on building massing, architectural treatments, site design, lighting, parking, signage, and respect for the pedestrian environment. 

Section 5: Mobility, Accessibility & Connectivity describes the overall transportation vision for the plan area to create a compact, walkable and bikeable destination with mixed land uses and convenient transit options that foster low impact movement by foot, bicycle, and other active modes of transportation. A key aspect of the vision for the railway lands is to incorporate an integrated transit hub on the site to service the public and provide seamless transfers between different modes of travel for residents, and visitors. 

Section 6: Infrastructure contains policies and mechanisms by which infrastructure and services for new development will be provided, how the levels of service will be established and define the limitations and restrictions on the infrastructure services 

Section 7: Environmentally Significant and Sensitive Areas provides policy direction for areas of the site that have environmental attributes worthy of retention or special care. The aim is to preserve and enhance ecological integrity consistent with policy direction in the Banff Community Plan and Environmental Master Plan. 

Section 8: Railway Heritage outlines the policies and guidelines to promote the preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, or reconstruction of heritage buildings and landscape features within the site. This also includes acknowledging and celebrating First Nations and indigenous connections in conjunction with the natural and human history of the plan area. 

 Section 9: Culture contains policies that support creative, artistic, and interpretive initiatives with a focus on recognizing the site's railway heritage where feasible.

Section 10: Implementation Approval of this plan is the first step in implementation of the ARP. This chapter provides a chronological guide to the actions, entities, and timelines that must be initiated and coordinated to support achievement of desired planning outcomes over the short, medium, and long term as they relate to this ARP. 

Community Engagement so far

To help shape the ARP, Liricon Capital/Norquay Mystic Ridge Ltd. initiated community engagement, following the adoption of the Terms of Reference by Council in 2019. Through in-person and digital engagement, community members were invited to have conversations about the project, ask questions and were encouraged to provide feedback on the key topics that will be elements of the ARP.

Liricon's online survey and in-person public engagement identified concerns or need for clarification, and the overall concept to redevelop the area in a way to support environmental and community objectives with a transportation hub that was generally supported.

The proponent promoted how the ARP can help relieve congestion within the Banff townsite, improve the visitor experience and lead to environmental or wildlife benefits if aspects of the plan are implemented. 

Norquay Mystic Ridge Ltd. and the Town of Banff will continue to work together to coordinate ways to inform the community about the draft plan and seek input for Council's consideration. Upcoming opportunities will include a public open house or workshops, interviews, and online engagement. 

Once a draft of the proposed amending bylaw and related ARP is finalized, it will be posted on along with an appropriate feedback mechanism and opportunities for public input in advance of the final public hearing process. 

Further information from the applicant can be found at