New Petrobras President Asks Lula to Intervene to Explore Oil in the Amazon River Mouth

Magda Chambriard said delay in license is frustrating

Rio de Janeiro and Brasília

Exploring oil in the Amazon River mouth should be one of the priority missions of the new president of Petrobras, Magda Chambriard, an advocate of the endeavor.

FILE PHOTO: Magda Chambriard. REUTERS/Ricardo Moraes/File Photo - REUTERS

The oil company insists on exploration, even after Ibama (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) gave a series of indications that it does not see the venture as viable.

To achieve the goal, Magda asked President Lula to intervene in the case.

In an interview in February, she described the delay in licensing for the region’s exploration as "frustrating." "It’s scary to see that the denial puts into question Petrobras’ ability to handle a new frontier."

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