Folha de S�o Paulo

Archive and Copyright

How to purchase articles and photographs published by Folha

Articles, photos, columns, illustrations, infographics, videos and audio from Folha and "Agora" are offered for sale through Folhapress and are protected by copyright law. The phone numbers for information are: 55/11/3224-3123; The email is

Every day, hundreds of Brazilian newspapers use the news services of Folhapress.

On the agency's website, there is a collection of photographs that includes over nine decades of daily journalistic production: the first online image database of photojournalism in Brazil, now with over 750,000 indexed pictures. All available for reproduction in newspapers, magazines and books, for use in exhibitions, publicity campaigns and commercial products.

A Data Base serving readers

The Data Base is a large journalistic collection containing over nine decades of the Brazilian history. Besides Folha collection since 1921, the Data Base has over 100,000 topical files containing tear sheets from Brazil's leading newspapers and magazines and over 20 million photos in both physical and digital archives.

To consult the newspaper archive, send an e-mail to: