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Zacks Equity Research

Should SPDR Portfolio S&P 500 Value ETF (SPYV) Be on Your Investing Radar?

Style Box ETF report for SPYV

SPYVNegative Net Change JPMNegative Net Change XOMNegative Net Change BRK.BNegative Net Change VTVNegative Net Change IWDNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Should SPDR S&P 400 Mid Cap Growth ETF (MDYG) Be on Your Investing Radar?

Style Box ETF report for MDYG

MDYGNegative Net Change CSLNegative Net Change WSMNegative Net Change PSTGNegative Net Change IWPPositive Net Change VOTNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Should iShares Russell Top 200 ETF (IWL) Be on Your Investing Radar?

Style Box ETF report for IWL

IWLNegative Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change IVVNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Should Strive 500 ETF (STRV) Be on Your Investing Radar?

Style Box ETF report for STRV

STRVNegative Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTNegative Net Change NVDANegative Net Change SPYNegative Net Change IVVNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Should Vanguard Mid-Cap Value ETF (VOE) Be on Your Investing Radar?

Style Box ETF report for VOE

VOENegative Net Change PCARNegative Net Change AJGNegative Net Change IJJNegative Net Change IWSNegative Net Change CARRNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Should Invesco Dividend Achievers ETF (PFM) Be on Your Investing Radar?

Style Box ETF report for PFM

PFMNegative Net Change AAPLPositive Net Change MSFTNegative Net Change AVGONegative Net Change VTVNegative Net Change IWDNegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Should Invesco S&P MidCap Quality ETF (XMHQ) Be on Your Investing Radar?

Style Box ETF report for XMHQ

XMHQNegative Net Change CSLNegative Net Change WSMNegative Net Change MANHNegative Net Change IJHNegative Net Change VONegative Net Change

Zacks Equity Research

Should Vanguard Russell 2000 Value ETF (VTWV) Be on Your Investing Radar?

Style Box ETF report for VTWV

VTWVNegative Net Change MURNegative Net Change VBRNegative Net Change AVUVNegative Net Change CHRDPositive Net Change PRNegative Net Change