
If you have acne-prone skin, you know the struggle of unpredictable breakouts. During the summer, when you want to wear less makeup and show off your natural, glowy skin, nothing makes you want to let out a deep sigh more than seeing a pimple pop up uninvited. With breakouts being caused by a combination of factors like excess oil production, clogged pores, bacteria, and inflammation, you need a skincare product that’s going to keep your blemishes at bay.

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Dry brushing has gained recent popularity as a simple yet effective technique for enhancing skin health and overall well-being. The ancient Ayurvedic medicine method has become the latest way to revitalize your skin’s health by brushing the skin with a dry, natural bristle brush, typically before showering. While the process may seem straightforward, you might be surprised by the benefits of dry brushing, which extend far beyond merely exfoliating the skin.

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In today’s economy, we’re always looking for ways to stretch every dollar. However, the allure of new gadgets, trendy clothes, and the latest dining spots can often lead to impulsive spending. An iced latte here and an Uber Eats delivery there, topped off by a spontaneous online order can add up over time.

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When the summer hits, warmer temperatures mean fewer clothes.

This seasonal transition from heavy, concealing garments to lighter, more revealing attire can trigger feelings of self-consciousness and discomfort in our bodies. Whether the pressure to be “swimsuit ready” is influenced by social media body standards or felt inwardly, the demand for the “perfect” summer can lead to the all-familiar feeling of summer body anxiety.

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There’s no better time than the summer to grab your girls — or go solo — and embark on a cross-city road trip.

Sure, it’s nice to sit poolside or go out to a day party, but there’s something special about putting together an itinerary, packing enough clothes and snacks to last you a few days, and setting off to a new, yet nearby, destination. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway to a neighboring town or a cross-country adventure, packing the right essentials is key to having a smooth and enjoyable journey.

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