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Kristina Spohr

Former Fellow

Professional affiliation

Professor, London School of Economics and Political Sciences


  • Cold War
  • Global Governance
  • History
  • Security and Defense

Full Biography

Kristina Spohr is Professor of International History at the London of Economics and Political Sciences. In 2018—2020, she was the inaugural Helmut Schmidt Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs at SAIS-Johns Hopkins University in Washington DC, a unique position made possible through the generosity of the German Foreign Ministry and the DAAD. She is a specialist in German foreign affairs since 1945 & the global Cold War and interested in questions of contemporary World Order, War & Peace and the practice of Applied History. She is author and editor of a dozen books, most recently, Post Wall, Post Square: Rebuilding the World after 1989 (WilliamCollins, 2019/ Yale UP, 2020), with its German edition Wendezeit: Die Neuordnung der Welt nach 1989 (DVA, 2019) having been awarded the prize “Das politikwissenschaftliche Buch” 2020 in Germany. She is now writing a global history of the Arctic.

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Major Publications

  • Post Wall, Post Square: Rebuilding the World after 1989 (2020)
  • The Arctic and World Order (2020)
  • Open Door: NATO and Euro-Atlantic Security after the Cold War (2019)
  • The Global Chancellor: Helmut Schmidt and the Reshaping of the International Order (2016)