Wikidata:Wikivoyage/How to help

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Where to find Wikivoyage sitelinks on a Wikidata item page
How to add Wikivoyage sitelinks to Wikidata
screenshot of sitelinks highlighted on the English Wikivoyage page for Hong Kong
screenshot highlighting link to Wikidata item on Wikivoyage

There are a lot of things you can do to help with integrating Wikivoyage and Wikidata.


This can be achieved by adding links for Wikivoyage pages that correspond to a particular item on Wikidata. For example, Wikidata has one item (and one item only) for Hong Kong. The Hong Kong item page then links out to the all the Wikivoyage pages in different languages on Hong Kong (it also links out the Wikipedia pages on Hong Kong).

Sitelinks can be added in more than 200 languages but you can only add a sitelink for a language if a page for that language version of Wikivoyage already exists.

When adding a Wikivoyage sitelink for an item, you will need to input both the language of the Wikivoyage page and the title of the page as it appears on Wikivoyage. Wikimedia sitelinks are added to an item page after the Statements section; for Wikivoyage, add sitelinks under the header "Wikivoyage pages linked to this item."

Once added to a Wikidata item, sitelinks will appear on the corresponding Wikivoyage page in the left sidebar menu under "Languages." A link to the Wikidata item will also appear in the left sidebar menu under "Tools."

Travel destinations


Because there is a one-to-one relationship between a Wikivoyage page for a travel destination and a Wikipedia page for the same place, often items will already exist for Wikivoyage travel destinations on Wikidata. In these cases, sitelinks for Wikivoyage page can be easily added to the destination items on Wikidata.


Wikidata item: Hong Kong (Q8646)
Wikivoyage page to add as sitelink:
Wikivoyage site to add to "Language Code" column: enwikivoyage
Page title to add to "Linked page" column: Hong Kong

Wikidata item: Hong Kong (Q8646)
Wikivoyage page to add as sitelink:
Wikivoyage site to add to "Language Code" column: zhwikivoyage
Page title to add to "Linked page" column: 香港

You can only add a sitelink for a Wikivoyage page to one item only on Wikidata. You will see an error message when attempting to add a new sitelink if that link has already been added to another item page. Wikidata also does not support anchors (links to a specific section of a page) as sitelinks—only full pages can be added. These two constraints mean that Wikivoyage itineraries are never added as sitelinks to a travel destination item page on Wikidata. Instead, they should be linked to a completely different item (i.e. an item that is just for the itinerary in question).


Wikidata item: Hong Kong (Q8646)
Wikivoyage page to add as sitelink: wrong

Wikidata item: Hong Kong (Q8646)
Wikivoyage page to add as sitelink: wrong

Wikidata item: Hong Kong cuisine (Q1036629)
Wikivoyage page to add as sitelink: right

Note: If you receive an error message but believe the item you are editing is the most appropriate one for a sitelink, you may need to merge two items. Please consult Help:Merge or visit Wikidata:Interwiki_conflicts to report a conflict and ask for others to look at the situation.

Use data


For Wikivoyage pages that have been linked to Wikidata, it's possible to access data for the corresponding item directly and use it on the Wikivoyage page, for example, by adding it to the various templates used to standardize the look of Wikivoyage content.

This is possible by using the #property parser function and requires that you know the property of a data statement. As discussed above, statements provide facts and informations about items like the capital or currency of a destination.

Diagram of a Wikidata statement
Diagram of a Wikidata statement

In order to fully express all the knowledge of the projects that are part of Wikimedia family, statements are composed of a series of elements including properties, qualifiers, sources, and so on. For the purpose of using the #property parser function, it is only necessary to know the property of a given statement of an item.

Properties can be accessed by the name of the property or by the property number. For example:

  • {{#property:capital}} or {{#property:P36}}
  • {{#property:currency}} or {{#property:P38}}

The above is added directly to the wikitext of a Wikivoyage page.

Wikidata has a list of its properties, to show what can be returned (if the data item contains the property as one of its statements).



Data can also be accessed with Lua modules, which are much more flexible. For more information on using modules, please see w:Module:Wikidata#Usage.

As of September 2015 it is possible to fetch data from other articles but these calls are classed as expensive. A "wikidata" or "d" field currently exists in Template:Listing (Q14330485) in dewikivoyage and frwikivoyage; in theory, a lookup could retrieve other fields. For example:

entity = wikibase.getEntity('Q243')
wikipedia = entity.getSitelink('frwiki')

could return name "tour Eiffel" (Wikipédia "w:fr:tour Eiffel") with images "commons:image:Tour Eiffel Wikimedia Commons.jpg" to populate fields in a listing.

A lookup triggered every time a {{listing}} is displayed is best avoided for performance reasons, but a scheme where the fields are looked up once and placed in the wiki text (perhaps by the listing editor or an automated 'bot script) may be feasible.

Improve data


You can help grow the data for Wikivoyage pages on Wikidata by adding new statements to items of interest to the Wikivoyage community.

For example, one proposed area for enhanced integration between Wikivoyage and Wikidata is the quickbar template which provides standard information for countries. The info ville template (en français) is similar, but for cities and towns. Some of the types of information featured in this template already have a corresponding property on Wikidata, including capital (P36), currency (P38), and others.