Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH)
Including the Human Reproduction Special Programme (HRP)


HRP governance is structured on the basis of cosponsorship by UNDP,  UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO and The World Bank. In addition UNAIDS and IPPF are both members of HRP's governing body. HRP operates within a broad framework of intergovernmental and interagency cooperation and participation, and is administered according to a "Memorandum on the Administrative Structure of the Special Programme", which outlines its governance and operation. 

HRP's Governing body

The Policy and Coordination Committee (PCC) is the governing body of the Special Programme. PCC represents the interests and responsibilities of the parties cooperating in the Special Programme, and is responsible for reviewing and approving HRP's plan of action and budget, reviewing longer-term strategic plans and their financial implications, reviewing the annual financial statements of HRP and reviewing periodic progress reports, among other functions.

Organigram of HRP

Strategies, budgets and operational plans

Every other year, on the basis of guidance from HRP’s Standing Committee, the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group and the Gender and Rights Advisory Panel, the secretariat prepares a biennial budget for submission to the Policy and Coordination Committee. Each section of this budget document includes an operational plan, describing each of the products scheduled for implementation during the biennium and the activities and milestones planned for its achievement. The budget, which includes explicit prioritization, indicates what can be accomplished at the different levels of funding and includes concrete indicators that will be used to monitor progress and our performance.

Latest annual report

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HRP annual report 2023
This annual report highlights the programme’s key achievements in 2023, and points to major ongoing research that will be completed in the next few years.

Evaluation reports