Climate Change and Health
WHO has been working on climate change and health for over 25 years - advocating, collecting evidence and providing comprehensive support to countries in dealing with health effects of climate change.


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Communicating on climate change and health: Toolkit for health professionals

While climate change is a big threat to health, implementing solutions to address climate change presents a huge opportunity to promote better health and...

Compendium of WHO and other UN guidance on health and environment: version with International Classification of Health Intervention (‎ICHI)‎ codes

In this version of the compendium, each guidance is coded using the International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI).The compendium provides...

National climate hazard indices for health: WHO technical report

This technical report outlines the methodology used in the selection and development of climate hazard indices for use in the country profiles. 

Population: El Niño affected countries Reporting period: October-December 2023 Start date of event: June 2023 Typology of event:...



Children under solar panels

WHO prescriptions for a healthy, green recovery from COVID-19 that will help steer governments towards a healthier, fairer, and greener world.

Global knowledge platform dedicated to climate and health, developed by WHO and WMO.


Snapshot of where countries stand on managing six major environmental threats to health