Webinar: Accessing GCF Readiness funds with WHO as the Delivery Partner (TBC)

23 October 2024
WHO HQ, Geneva, Switzerland, and virtual

23th October 2024: 9:30 – 11:00 and 15:00 – 16:30


WHO is conducting a series of technical webinars on various climate change and health topics with the aim of building capacity for implementation at country level. These webinars will integrate training, experience sharing, interactive activities and group discussion. 

The first series of webinars will explore specific topics related to:

  • Conducting a climate change and health vulnerability and adaptation assessment
  • Developing a Health National Adaptation Plan
  • Accessing climate finance for health
  • Climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities




Full list of webinars

Date & time (CEST)


24th April 2024

Getting started: climate change and health vulnerability & adaptation assessments


30th April 2024

WHO as an Accredited Implementing Entity of the Adaptation Fund; Accessing AF funding for Climate Change and Health


15th May 2024

WHO Operational Framework for Building Climate Resilient and Low Carbon Health Systems 


12th June 2024

Developing a Health National Adaptation Plan: Introduction


19th June 202

GIS and risk mapping in climate change and health vulnerability & adaptation assessments


10th July 2024

Climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities


17th July 2024

Quantitative approaches for Vulnerability & Adaptation assessments: sensitivity analyses and projecting future health risks of climate change


18th September 2024

Integrating health in NDCs and LT-LEDS


25th September 2024

Developing a Health National Adaptation Plan: Quality criteria for HNAPs


16th October 2024


Conducting a gender analysis for climate change and health vulnerability & adaptation assessments


23rd October 2024 (TBC)

Accessing GCF Readiness funds with WHO as the Delivery Partner (TBC)