Last updated:  31 July 2020


Transmission and protective measures

  • COVID-19 spreads primarily from person to person
  • COVID-19 spreads primarily through close contact with someone who is infected, but it can also spread if you touch contaminated objects and surfaces
  • Fighting COVID-19 is our joint responsibility
  • Be ready to fight COVID-19
  • Be safe from coronavirus
  • Be kind to address fear during coronavirus
  • Be kind to support loved ones during coronavirus
  • Be smart and inform yourself about coronavirus
  • Be ready for coronavirus
  • Be kind to address stigma during coronavirus



COVID-19 spreads primarily from person to person

This can be via droplets released when people sick with the new coronavirus cough or sneeze. It can also spread when you’re in close contact with someone who’s sick – e.g. when you hug or shake hands.

COVID-19 spreads primarily through close contact with someone who is infected, but it can also spread if you touch contaminated objects and surfaces

You can protect yourself: clean your hands and your surroundings frequently!

Fighting COVID-19 is our joint responsibility

Protect yourself and others: make these 6 simple precautions your new habits.


Be ready to fight COVID-19



Be safe from coronavirus



Be kind to address fear during coronavirus



Be kind to support loved ones during coronavirus



Be smart and inform yourself about coronavirus



Be ready for coronavirus



Be kind to address stigma during coronavirus