COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Guidance Development Group
The World Health Organization (WHO) is continuously reviewing the available scientific data on infection prevention and control practices on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causal agent of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). WHO engages experts as members of Guideline Development Groups from a variety of specialties and across all regions to support the development of the Infection Prevention and Control guidance for COVID-19.


Dr Babatunde Adebola Aiyelabola

Policy Officer, Health and Social Services Sector

Dr Yewande Alimi

One health unit lead, Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Ethiophia

Professor Anucha Apisarnthanarak

Professor Infectious Disease Consultant/Hospital Epidemiology

Professor Roger Chou

Associate Professor of Medicine

Dr May C. Chu

Clinical Professor and Senior Investigator

Barry David Cookson

Honorary Professor in Medical Microbiology

Professor Dale Fisher

Professor of Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS, Group Chief of Medicine, National University Health System (NUHS)

Dr Joost Hopman

Medical Director and Clinical Microbiologist

Dr Kushlani Jayatilleke

Consultant Microbiologist

Professor Souha Kanj

Professor of Medicine

Professor Daniele Lantagne

Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Professor Anna Levin

Professor of Infectious Diseases*, Director of Division of Infectious Diseases#, President of the Infection Control Committee#

Professor Yuguo Li

Chair Professor

Dr Hanene Tiouiri Benaissa

Head of the Infectious Diseases Department, University Hospital Rabta of Tunis, Tunisia

Dr Caline Mattar

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Professor Mary-Louise McLaws

Professor of Epidemiology, Honorary clinical Epidemiology and Member NSW Clinical Excellence Commission Taskforce for COVID-19

Dr Geeta Mehta

Independent Consultant and Advisor

Professor Shaheen Mehtar

Retired Professor of IPC and Chair Education Committee ICAN

Dr Mauro Orsini

Coordinator of the National Healthcare Related Infection Prevention and Control (HRIPC) Program

Dr Mathias Pletz

Professor and Chair

Professor Marina Salvadori

Professor in the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Ingrid Schoeman

Director, Advocacy and Strategy, TB Proof, South Africa

Dr Mark Sobsey

Research Professor

Professor Paul Ananth Tambyah

Professor of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Senior Consultant ID Physician National University Hospital, Visiting Consultant, National Center for Infectious Diseases, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore Armed Forces

Professor Andreas Voss

Professor of Infection Control

Dr Walter Zingg

Charité Universitätsmedizin

Temporary Advisors

Dr Fernanda C. Lessa

Lead, Prevention Team HAI, and AMR


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