Professor Mary-Louise McLaws

Professor of Epidemiology, Honorary clinical Epidemiology and Member NSW Clinical Excellence Commission Taskforce for COVID-19

Please send any comments to  with the following text in the subject line: Public Comment: WHO Health Emergencies Programme COVID-19 infection prevention and control Guidance Development Group



Affiliations University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) 
Education Diploma Microbiology and Tropical Medicine, Master of public health (epidemiology and surveillance of healthcare associated infections), PhD (epidemiology) 

Dr McLaws has expertise in infection prevention and control (IPC) in healthcare associated infection (HAI) and patient safety related to HAI and associated with COVID in Australia. I performed the seminal national study of HAI in public and private hospitals. From this I was appointed by the government to develop the first state-wide standardized surveillance system for HAI. I have worked for 12 years with the Clinical Excellence Commission as honorary epidemiologist to reduce hand hygiene, CLABSI, MROs, surveillance, preparation for the next pandemic and COVID IPC.  I capacity build IPC through my research students and through research with low- and middle-income countries that has included Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Vietnam. I reviewed IPC practices in the SARS designated hospital in Hong Kong and Beijing response in 2003, I supported Australia’s preparation for pandemic influenza, and mentored an IPC officer during Ebola.  I have been a short mission WHO Advisor to China and Malaysia for the development of their IPC surveillance system, worked as a consultant for WPRO on HAI and appointed the focal point for GOARN.