Meeting Agendas

From Accessibility for Children Community Group


Launch | Kickoff | First Meeting | September 2, 2021

  • Welcome & Meeting Logistics (Suzanne)
    • Accommodations / IRC / Zoom / Meeting Notes
    • Introduce ASL interpreters
    • Code of Conduct
  • Member Introductions (Maud)
  • Walk Through of Wiki Main Page
    • Can everyone access and edit this page? (Suzanne)
      • Public
      • Open Source
      • Join the group and sign W3C's contributor's agreement to access and edit the Wiki
    • Content of the page (Maud)
      • Discussion
      • UNICEF
      • Feedback on Wiki Main Page.
  • Round Table and Goals for Group (Suzanne)
    • W3C and User Needs
    • Each participant is asked...
      • What three topics would you like to prioritize for discussion? (e.g. online education, health care, gaming/virtual reality, user experience testing, artificial intelligence (AI))
      • Is there a specific user need you would prioritize?
  • Discuss Monthly Demos & First Demo on September 16th (Maud)
    • Opportunities for members of this group to share their work / products with the group
      • 10-30 minute presentation, followed by discussion

Meeting Two | September 16, 2021 | Discuss Working Methodology for Group | Discuss Definition of Disability for Group

  • Welcome / New Member Introductions (Suzanne)
  • How to collect and find important research (Maud)
    • Stay with open source
    • Subscription-based (issues with sharing - would we have permission to describe and share)
    • Reasonable accommodations
  • Other outputs for our work (Suzanne)
    • Look at list we have now
    • See if group has additional outputs
  • Working definition of disability / accessibility (Maud)
    • Slides from Maud's Eurochild Presentation
      • Models and Types of disability
      • Costs: Mental / Cognitive
      • Comparison between countries
      • Specific Learning Challenges
      • Delays in diagnosis
      • Gender-based differences

Meeting Three | September 30, 2021 | Learning Words As You Go | Global Children's Accessibility Considerations Toward a Definition

  • Interactive Orthography Presentation by David Boulton (10-15 Minutes) (David)
    • Description of Presentation: Reading related difficulties (English) are a major cause of acquired learning disabilities. For most who struggle with it, the central challenge of learning to read English (and other deep orthographies) is the artificially confusing relationships between letters and sounds. Our prevailing models of reading instruction have been warped around the assumption that the orthography is static, that the words used to learn to read with are two dimensional inert visual objects. Though readers must be able to read static text (paper or screen), there is no reason (other than centuries of inertia) why we should continue to use static text as the media of learning to read. In this presentation I will demonstrate "interactive orthography" - a new medium for learning to read that makes possible an internet wide leap in online learning support.
    • Q&A / Discussion (As long as is needed)
  • Opportunities Part I (Suzanne)
  • Continue Discussion of Working Definition of Disability / Accessibility (Maud) (As long as needed, can continue next meeting as well)
    • Slides from Maud's Eurochild Presentation with Discussion Slide-by-Slide
      • Comparison between countries
      • Specific Learning Challenges
      • Gender-based differences
    • This is for our group's own use for now
      • We may wish to use different language, etc, for different audiences / cultures later in this effort

Meeting Four | October 14, 2021

  • Writing User Needs
    • Work together to write / polish some user needs
    • As we work together on this, also refine/adjust the templates
      • Should we share the templates at a Silver Friday meeting for feedback?
  • TPAC Prep
    • User needs from above
    • Edits to the presentation slides
  • If time, continue slides and discussion on concepts and scope related to our work
    • children vs adults needs
    • CORE: children online- research and evidence
    • discussion

Meeting Five | October 28, 2021

  • Welcome/Intro New Members
    • If present:
      • Danielle (since we only heard from Danielle briefly)
      • Emeline
      • Shawn
      • Caidin
      • Muhammad
  • Melissa's Presentation, "Bilingual Resources for Literacy Development"
    • Discussion
  • TPAC Summary
    • Quick update for the group
    • Next agenda will include discussing follow-up

Meeting Six | November 11, 2021

  • Complete Maud's slides and discussion on concepts and scope related to our work (25 minutes)
    • children vs adults needs
    • CORE: children online- research and evidence
    • Discussion
  • User Needs and Formatting/Phrasing for this work (25 minutes)
    • How this work can fit into WCAG 3.0 work
    • How can ideas be written and positioned as user needs for best integration with other W3C efforts
    • Set goal for when to share the templates/examples:
      • at a Silver Friday (WCAG 3.0) meeting for feedback
      • with COGA Taskforce
      • with EPUB / AudioBooks
  • More TPAC Follow-up (5 minutes)

Meeting Seven | December 9, 2021

  • User Need Categories as Functional Needs We will attempt to frame the categories of children's accessibility user needs as functional needs.
  • UNICEF AI update
  • Decide when to request to be on the agenda for the Silver Friday Meeting (which is a group working on WCAG 3.0)
    • Dec 23 - informal working meeting
    • Jan 6 - our next meeting
    • Jan 13 - Maud and Suzanne meet
    • Jan 14 - Perhaps we can be on the Silver Friday Meeting Agenda?
  • Are there enough people who can attend to make progress on December 23, 2021?
  • Invitation to sponsor or provide accommodations
    • Sponsor funding for "Voices of Children" (legal, logistics advice)

Meeting Eight | December 23, 2021

In consideration of vacation time for the holidays, this will be an informal meeting for collaborative writing.


Meeting Nine: January 6, 2022

  • Presentation: Captioning and Comprehensibility with Maria Wünsche (15-20 minutes)
    • How often do children who are D/deaf and hard of hearing in Germany use subtitles on TV and why?
    • Which subtitle features have an impact on comprehension and acceptance of subtitled television (in German) and what does that mean for subtitlers?

Meeting Ten: January 20, 2022

Meeting 11: February 3, 2022

Meeting 12: February 17, 2022

  • Update on status of meetings with other W3C groups and Protocols (Suzanne)
    • Invited Protocols subgroup chair to present
    • Reaching out to get on agenda of Functional Needs Group a second time
    • Intersectionality Meeting (Include Danielle)
  • WCAG 3 timelime Current Charter Proposal (Suzanne)
    • Next 2-3 years - how A11y for Children should fit into the format
    • Following 2 years - detailed guidance

Meeting 13: March 3, 2022

Meeting 14: March 17, 2022

  • Discuss Survey Results about Group Priorities
  • Discuss pronunciation in screen readers and how to ensure issues unique to children and education are considered for WCAG 3.0
    • Education
    • Crisis
    • Entertainment / Inclusion
  • Continue Discussion of Group's Presence on Social Media: Set up our LinkedIn account together (5 minutes time-boxed)

Meeting 15: March 31, 2022

Working Rhythm [5 mins]

Meeting 16: April 14, 2022

  • Discussion: Future of AI | Why AI? (As proposed at Jan 20th meeting, we wish to build a set of examples and focus efforts on somewhat more advanced AI)

Working Rhythm

Meeting 17: April 28, 2022

Meeting 18: May 12, 2022

Meeting 19: May 26, 2022

  • Pronunciation
  • White Paper (Why Children's A11y)
  • TPAC
    • TPAC 2022 | Hybrid Meeting | 12-16 September 2022
    • White Paper
    • Current Progress
    • Other?
  • AT Surveys
    • Maud will give a summary of International AT survey - check report launch May 16: Global report on assistive tech
    • The Accessibility for Children Community Group's may send a survey out to find out best practices and to identify the skills children need for efficient assistive tech use. It will question the learning needs of children and what knowledge and skills are required for them to actually use assistive technology.
  • Note that the safety toolkit has been released: 5 Rights Toolkit
  • Ideas for how to work well with UDL (Universal Design for Learning)?

Meeting 20: June 9, 2022

Focus: Safety, Privacy, Security

  • Guest speaker: Gabriela Rapp
    • 20 minutes presentation
    • Q&A
  • She will present findings from her work:
    • discussion and trainings with over 40.000 with 2 cohorts from 2007-2010 (20.000 children) and 2016-2020 (20.000 children).
    • set up a risk-based holistic Cybersecurity Strategy for the country of Luxembourg from 2001 until 2010. From 2016 onwards a lot of young **research on sexual violence, violence, addiction, mental health (online) - also including solutions (2019 findings and book Please Do Something)
    • goals: "growing up HEALTHY and SMART in today’s world" (online and offline)
  • Note that the safety toolkit has been released: 5 Rights Toolkit
    • Maud may provide some commentary on the Toolkit.
  • Review proposed social media posts:

Meeting 21: June 23, 2022

Meeting 22: July 7, 2022

  • Look at proposed White Paper intro, which is based on our discussion at the May 26, 2022 meeting.
  • Follow-up: case studies (topics), statistics/ link high -level user needs.
  • Work with UDL (possible topics for white paper)
  • Continue work on the White Paper draft together.

Meeting 23: July 21, 2022

  • New member introductions (Alena Fraser and Bob Dolan, if present)
  • Continue work on the White Paper draft together.
    • Volunteers to work on specific use cases?
    • to be added: some links to Danielle's materials
  • TPAC (12-16 September): breakout sessions confirmed (more info will be sent end of August)
  • Discussion of the work of the Personalization Taskforce
    • Janina Sajka's suggestions: two key documents to pay attention to are the Explainer and the Content Module
      • Summary of Explainer
  • Intro to WCAG 3 Use Cases
  • Other Members we should invite?
  • Any members want to present on their work or give an update?

Meeting 24: August 4, 2022

  • White Paper Status and Next Steps.
  • FAQ Document (1 Page)
    • Define primary audience(s)
    • Three terms (based on discussion at Silver Meeting Friday July 29, 2022)
      • Accessibility for Children with Disabilties
      • UX for Children in General (out of scope for AGWG/WCAG)
      • Intersectionality of the above
    • Survey on FAQ document
    • Next meeting, we will vote on finalization of the FAQ and a question will be added to the survey for this as well
    • Format is trying to be final by this meeting, with content edits complete by next meeting
  • Break out groups to write Use Cases (used in white paper and/or used as github suggestions for W3C Use Cases document)
  • Ask group to think about TPAC

Meeting 25: August 18, 2022

  • Look at final edits to FAQ Document (1 Page) & conduct a meeting vote as well
  • TPAC breakout session proposal
    • Our session has been proposed and is the 7th proposal here:
    • Since it is open to the public, anyone can attend and TPAC registration is not necessary
    • Wednesday, September 14, 2022 1:30 pm PT; 4:30 pm ET; etc

Meeting 26: September 1, 2022

  • FAQ with edits
  • Do you know of any research related to how close children sit to devices of which sizes? (for WCAG 2.2 understanding document on Flash/Flicker)
    • Research gap?*
    • Children more often change their devices - may keep same distance
    • Some parents purchase iPad minis for better handling
    • Is there a large amount of re-use of donated older devices around the globe? 72 dpi?
  • Work on White Paper
    • Intended uses for White Paper (that we can keep in mind as we write)
    • Finalize White Paper Outline in Advance of TPAC?
  • Organization-of-Society/Environment/Adults' Attitudes toward AT (assistive technologies) and impact on children.
    • Language in our documents

Meeting 27: September 15, 2022

  • TPAC Summary / Update
  • Diagnosis of Disabilities and Differences in Video Games and other Technology Worlds
  • Begin choosing (or finalizing) User Needs (Functional Needs will be next meeting) from our copy of user needs/functional needs document (anyone with the link can comment, email the chairs if you don't have edit access) to bring forward to the main WCAG 3 AGWG document

Meeting 28: September 29, 2022

  • User Needs / Functional Needs
    • Begin choosing (or finalizing) Functional Needs from our copy of user needs/functional needs document (anyone with the link can comment, email the chairs if you don't have edit access) to bring forward to the main WCAG 3 AGWG document
    • Look at User Needs from last meeting and wordsmith
  • Quick note: We will discuss logo and images A11y4Kids for social networks in December; Proposals welcome!

Meeting 30: October 13, 2022

Meeting 30: October 27, 2022

  • User Story Videos - thanks!
  • Discussion of Types of feedback from the Group: Individual Comments from Members, Consensus, Informal Notes/Edits, Reference-Based
  • Finalize first installment of Functional Needs / User Needs Feedback
    • Are we ready to send this?
    • Does anyone need more time to add comments?
  • White Paper Status and Next Steps.
    • Should we ask to contribute materials for a "Younger Users" resource similar to: Older Users Section from Education and Outreach Web Accessibility Initiative
    • Can materials from White Paper, FAQ or Wiki be designed for this
    • Can any of these materials also be framed as a how-to achieve "non-discrimination" for children with disabilities as resource for those working to meet the Convention on the Rights of the Child (came before CRPD) and the CRPD
  • Breaking Ground on Children's Rights Input and Feedback: Focus on Overview of Approach
    • One-pager with focus on Children's Rights?
    • Can we get our work reviewed by these organizations?
    • Are there events we can attend online?
    • Discuss how to reach out, hoping for similar output/input methods like we have been doing with W3C standards work
    • Can / should we work as a catalyst inviting organizations large and small to comment on W3C public drafts?
      • directly?
      • through social media?

Meeting 31: November 10, 2022

  1. The "action" attribute (currently would be marked-up as "data-action") and its list of possible tokens
    1. Are there additional tokens (to represent common button functions) needed especially for educational materials or for games?
  2. The "destination" attribute (currently would be marked-up as "data-destination") and its list of possible tokens
    1. Are there additional tokens (to represent common link targets) needed especially for educational materials or for games?
  3. The "purpose" attribute (currently would be marked-up as "data-purpose") and its list of possible tokens
    1. Are there additional tokens (to represent common text fields) needed especially for educational materials or for games?
    2. There is already an "answer" token and this particular attribute can accept multiple tokens. Should there be tokens to represent the type of input: for example, text versus numbers versus symbols, so that a field with data-purpose="answer number" could be for an answer, which is a number? Should there be tokens for whether this is the full answer versus part of the answer?

No Meeting: November 24, 2022

This meeting will not be held since this is the US Thanksgiving Holiday.

Meeting 32: December 8, 2022

  1. "ADAPT-simplification"
    1. Three tokens and attribute takes just one (link to current tokens)
  2. The "distraction" attribute (likely to be marked-up as "ADAPT-distraction") and the "sensory" token
    1. Do we agree that children require greater specificity for this attribute? What breakdown is needed?
    2. Are other tokens (link to current tokens) needed?
  3. "symbol" (moving forward first)

No Meeting 33: December 22, 2022


Meeting 34: January 5, 2023

Meeting 35: January 19, 2023

Meeting 36: February 2, 2023

  • Next Steps on Children's Needs for WAI-ADAPT
    • Work together on additions to WAI-ADAPT's Explainer
    • Suzanne will create a template prior to the meeting so we have a structure to fill in
  • AAATE 2023 with a Special Thematic Session on “Digital Inclusion and Competence Development” (for learners).

Meeting 37: February 16, 2023

Meeting 38: March 2, 2023

Meeting 39: March 16, 2023

  • Updates from members?
    • Possibility to react tot the CENCENELEC (Standardization body) on Age appropriate digital services framework until April 4 2023
    • Development process of WHO Guidelines on the Provision of Assistive Technology.
      • What is needed? As well as reviewing the scientific literature, we are seeking your expert advice and knowledge about assistive technology guidelines. These might be within reports, policy documents and/or scientific publications.
      • Are there key guidelines that are used by your organisation and/ or in your country for specific assistive products/ assistive technology? Do different personnel use specific guidelines about AT? Are these guidelines published, available on a website, or able to be shared?
      • Please send any documents, links or descriptions
    • AGWG Possible Direction: Conformance varies by product type or sector
  • Send Use Cases for WAI-ADAPT and other feedback to Adapt Taskforce?
  • Finalize list of items to prioritize in our 2023 survey

Meeting 40: March 30, 2023

Meeting 41: April 13, 2023

Meeting 42: April 27, 2023

  • Review Results of the Prioritization Survey
    • Highest scoring items are:
      • 8.67 Establish “Ethics of Interface,” encouraging designers to see healthiness of participation in human learning as the top priority (offers free classes) “Future of Interface” initiative
      • 7.67 Design for a prototype system that would give learners both a mechanism and reinforcement for flagging unmet learning/information needs
      • 3-way tie at 7.33
        • White paper focusing on the necessity for addressing unmet learning/information needs for the cost-optimal evolution of online resources User Participation is essential (see also: Miraculous Intersections & 3 laws of Feedback)
        • Create a mechanism for looping organizations like Save the Children (or alliances of such organizations) into W3C document review
        • Host a Workshop designed to establish an “Ethics of Interface” in which the healthiness of participation and human learning is the priority
      • 2-way tie at 7.0
        • WCAG 2.x gap analysis ( as a list of missing sub-success criteria) to inform WCAG 3 and/or be a temporary stand alone note until WCAG 3 addresses more of children’s needs
        • Create a survey similar to WebAIM’s Screen Reader Survey, but focused on children’s use of AT. (or otherwise collaborate toward this end if we find a group to collaborate with)
    • Discuss next steps and approaches!
  • WAI-ADAPT updates
  • Finalize WAI-ADAPT Use Cases
  • Collect group's feedback on whether to explore the topic of assistive robotics?
  • New resource: the table of content proposes interesting subjects we could discuss with the group ie: The Rights of the Child When Symbolic Language is Out of Reach, Do All Children Have the Right to Express Views? Listening to ‘differently-voiced’ communicators,...
  • Invitation to add a third co-chair.
  • This may fall under "Sensitive Topics" as defined in the W3C Code of Conduct
    • The Internet Watch Foundation on Children with SEND (UK document) related to child abuse contains a guide for parents/carers and teachers, resources and examples of conversations to help children. Our group could just be informed this material exists and is available open source.

Meeting 43: May 11, 2023

Meeting 44: May 25, 2023

Meeting 45: June 8, 2023

  • Continue discussion of Ethics of Interface Strategy
  • Coga making content usable collaboration on the next update.
  • Quick reminder next priorities (for our information)
    • WCAG 2.x gap analysis ( as a list of missing sub-success criteria) to inform WCAG 3 and/or be a temporary stand-alone note until WCAG 3 addresses more of children’s needs
    • Continue to evangelize the need for special consideration for Accessibility for Children within W3C
    • Host a Workshop designed to establish an “Ethics of Interface” in which the healthiness of participation and human learning is the priority
    • Evangelize the need for special consideration for Accessibility for Children among accessibility specialists in general
    • Write a stand-alone guide to making content/products accessible for children with disabilities, similar to COGA's document
    • Design for a prototype system that would give learners both a mechanism and reinforcement for flagging unmet learning/information needs
    • Present at Conferences

Meeting 46: June 22, 2023

Meeting 47: July 6, 2023

  • Follow-up WAI-ADAPT use case (or use cases) *specific* to the current working draft, which has the potential to bring AAC imagery to the Web and next meeting.
  • TPAC:
    • Outreach page: check updates, recent research, suggestions for the following page:
    • Similar section to older users for children/ youth.
  • Discuss Writing a Page for Education and Outreach for younger users, similar to this page about older users. (Would be nice to have a rough draft by TPAC Sept 11-15.)
  • Continue discussion of Ethics of Interface Strategy
  • Get the Group stated looking at Coga making content usable collaboration on the next update.

Meeting 48: July 20, 2023

  • Follow-up WAI-ADAPT use case (or use cases) *specific* to the current working draft, which has the potential to bring AAC imagery to the Web and next meeting. Feedback from WAI adapt working Group?
  • TPAC: work on a draft project description to communicate (W3C, Education Outreach and funding foundations)
    • Outreach page: check updates, recent research, suggestions for the following page:
    • Similar section to older users for children/ youth.
  • Get the Group stated looking at Coga making content usable collaboration on the next update.
  • Continue discussion of Ethics of Interface Strategy

Meeting 49: August 3, 2023

  • Write up feedback on COGA making content usable collaboration on the next update.
  • TPAC:
    • check /schedule for relevant sessions
    • work on a draft project description to communicate (W3C, Education Outreach and funding foundations)
    • outreach page: check updates, recent research, suggestions (ie.: include latest work on ehtics)
  • Continue discussion of Ethics of Interface Strategy
  • Follow-up WAI-ADAPT use case (or use cases)

Meeting 50: August 17, 2023

  • Welcoming new Chair
  • New timings for regular meetings
  • Wai Adapt Case Studies AAC

Meeting 51: August 31, 2023

Meeting 52: September 14, 2023

Meeting 53: September 28, 2023

Meeting 54: October 12, 2023

Meeting 55: October 26, 2023

  • Presentation Framework Ethics of Interface
  • Education outcomes (ie.:2 pager + visual)
  • Check competence assessments grid for our group (in order to chose best alignment with projects)

Meeting 56: November 9, 2023

  • Education outcomes (ie.:2 pager + visual)
    • Legislative changes
    • Good practices in accessibility for education
    • Gaps in accessibility for education
    • Trend-setting and new research

=== Meeting 57: November 23, 2023 === No Meeting (Thanksgiving)

Meeting 58: December 7, 2023

  • Education outcomes
    • Legislative changes
    • Good practices in accessibility for education
    • Gaps in accessibility for education
    • Trend-setting and new research

Meeting 59: December 21, 2023

If time permits:


Meeting 60: January 4th, 2024

No meeting

Meeting 61: January 18th, 2024

Meeting 62: February 1st, 2024

Meeting 63: February 15th, 2024

  • Propose some / myths and facts on accessibility for children (each member can bring one)
  • Chairs propose disclaimer when external content is reviewed or presented:
    • Readings and resources shared in the W3C Accessibility for Children Community Group are meant to compare and broaden our perspectives on several topics.
    • The information about providers and services contained on our wiki page does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the the W3C Accessibility for Children Community Group.
    • During meetings, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.
      • this disclaimer will help us ensuring we do not endorse all contents reviewed in the group. We try as much as possible to provide contents which are aligned with current societal needs for children with disabilities/ specific needs.

Meeting 64: February 29th, 2024

Meeting 65: March 14th, 2024

Meeting 66: March 28th, 2024

Meeting 67: April 11th, 2024

Meeting 68: April 25th, 2024

Meeting 69: May 9th, 2024

Meeting 70: May 23th, 2024

Meeting 71: June 6th, 2024

  • Presentation: What AT Specialists need to know about accessibility

Meeting 72: June 20th, 2024

they suggest changes like this one: "Outdated: “Assistive Technology”, “Adaptive Technology” - these terms place emphasis on need and difference. Modern: “Access technology”- this term places emphasis on accessibility and socially-constructed barriers instead of neediness." Check what could be added for children?

Meeting 73: July 4th, 2024


Meeting 74: July 18th, 2024


Meeting 75: August 1st, 2024

Overview new publications / tools:

"Outdated: “Assistive Technology”, “Adaptive Technology” - these terms place emphasis on need and difference. Modern: “Access technology”- this term places emphasis on accessibility and socially-constructed barriers instead of neediness." Check what could be added for children?

Meeting 76: August 15th, 2024


Meeting 77: August 29th, 2024

Meeting 78: September 12th, 2024

Strategy and priorities

  • Our Strategy (when anlayzing topics)

With our W3C Group on accessibility for children we follow 3 steps which can be used in every topic we cover (education, entertainment…) In accessibility standards (WCAG), we provide specific use cases or examples for children. In guidelines and frameworks for children in the online world (including AI systems), we give advice on how to implement accessibility. We raise awareness on what is still missing and scalable.

  • Reminder next priorities (for our information)
    • Prioritisation survey 2024
    • WCAG 2.x gap analysis ( as a list of missing sub-success criteria) to inform WCAG 3 and/or be a temporary stand-alone note until WCAG 3 addresses more of children’s needs
    • Continue to evangelize the need for special consideration for Accessibility for Children within W3C
    • Evangelize the need for special consideration for Accessibility for Children among accessibility specialists in general
    • Write a stand-alone guide to making content/products accessible for children with disabilities, similar to COGA's document
    • Design for a prototype system that would give learners both a mechanism and reinforcement for flagging unmet learning/information needs
    • Present at Conferences