
Luxury fashion brands poised to join the NFT party

The road to non-fungible token (NFT) riches is paved with question marks for luxury fashion brands.
Image may contain Clothing Apparel Human Person Coat and Footwear
Winner @ trs.mnz of The Fabricant’s 3D fashion design competition, #Makingstrides.TERESA MANZO / The Fabricant

Non-fungible tokens are all the rage, but for luxury fashion brands they pose questions — in abundance. Will the crypto-wealthy, who are mostly young and male, be interested in luxury fashion NFTs? What would they look like and would buyers get any utility from them? Would they be brand dilutive? And will the complexity of setting up cryptocurrency wallets be too much of a bother for luxury consumers?

While each new day brings another breathless story on a new non-fungible token (NFT) record sale, the luxury fashion world has remained relatively quiet. But that’s about to change. Fashion brands have been studying the wild, wacky world of blockchain and all its creative and business possibilities. Now they are poised to jump in.