
Hacks and roasts: Inside the new social media currency

Seriousness and groupthink are out, irreverent fun and individuality are in. TikTok is brimming over with hacks and roasts. While brands might prefer to watch from the sidelines, they may not have that choice.
Image may contain Human Person Clothing Apparel Sunglasses Accessories Accessory Handbag Bag Purse and Coat
Photo: Edward Berthelot/Getty Images

This is the fourth in a new series lifting the lid on Gen Z’s social media habits and their impact on fashion consumption. Read the other instalments on shopping hauls, luxury unboxing and new-gen fashion critics.

A ring made out of a Dior mascara tube, a sharp-tongued review of a celebrity’s latest runway look: hacks and roasts have taken over TikTok, and fashion brands are getting caught up in the content trends.