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Course content

Interns are introduced to the respective clinical areas under the supervision of specialists and, after appropriate training, are also deployed as a doctor on duty with supervision by a resident or clinical assistant on a rotating basis in the clinic's emergency service.

The twelve-month training programme includes

  • Small animal internal medicine
  • Small animal surgery
  • Anaesthesiology
  • Emergency and intensive care medicine
  • Imaging diagnostics
  • Laboratory medicine
  • Clinical pathology

Course content in the context of small animal surgery includes the initial treatment of surgical emergencies and the post-operative care of inpatients. Further course content includes participation in clinic rounds and seminars as part of the teaching programme, case documentation, case presentations, communication training and radiation protection training.

Duration and scope

The internship lasts 2 semesters and comprises 60 ECTS.


Once an internship has been accepted, a course fee of currently € 726.72 is payable, subject to adjustments.


A certificate is issued for the successful completion of the internship. This is one of the prerequisites for participating in a residency programme recognised by a European College.

Required qualifications and knowledge

  • Completed degree in veterinary medicine totalling 300 ECTS by the end of the application deadline.
  • At least 1 year of clinical experience in dealing with small animals.
  • Very good language skills in German (C1) and good language skills in English (B2).

Other desired qualifications and competences

  • High flexibility and extraordinary willingness to work
  • General practical experience and basic knowledge of intensive care and emergency medicine
  • Specialisation in the small animal sector
  • Skill in dealing with patients and their owners
  • Organisational skills, empathy and the ability to work in a team
  • Good handling of stressful situations


Vacant internship positions and more detailed information on application modalities and deadlines can be found in the advert in the current vacancies.

A prerequisite for admission to the Small Animal Medicine internship is employment at the Vetmeduni!

Application documents

  • Proof of completed degree in veterinary medicine (to be submitted by the end of the application deadline)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of motivation
  • Proof of German language skills (C1)
  • At least one letter of recommendation
  • Any other references

Detailed information on the internship in small animal medicine can be found in the curriculum (as of 05.04.2023, German version only).