Levin Report

As Sarah Sanders Signs Off, a Look Back at Her Biggest Lies

Her unknown successor has some big shoes to fill when it comes to blatant falsehoods.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
By Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.

Job-opening alert! Do you enjoy lying about easily fact-checked matters? Do you get pumped up thinking about running members of the media over with your car? Do you live to serve contemptible human beings? Then today’s your lucky day! Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Donald Trump’s longtime press secretary, is bidding the White House adieu.

Trump, who apparently has no idea when Sanders started working for him, announced the news on Twitter, praising the woman who routinely brawled with the press and lied through her caps in service to his agenda, and suggesting she should seek public office. “After 3 1/2 years, our wonderful Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving the White House at the end of the month and going home to the Great State of Arkansas,” Trump wrote. “She is a very special person with extraordinary talents, who has done an incredible job! I hope she decides to run for Governor of Arkansas - she would be fantastic. Sarah, thank you for a job well done!”

In this case, a “job well done” refers to routinely and shamelessly telling brazen lies, some of which include:

  • Denying knowledge of Trump’s in-office hush-money payoffs, despite the fact that Trump himself admitted to them;

  • Claiming that Trump had created far more jobs for African Americans than Obama, when, in reality, Obama created four times as many as Trump;

  • Insisting, with a straight face, that her boss had never “promoted or encouraged violence,” seemingly forgetting the time Trump told supporters at a rally, of a protester who’d been ejected, “I’d like to punch him in the face”; or the time he told a crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, okay. Just knock the hell—I promise you I will pay for the legal fees, I promise”; or the time he openly fantasized about “Second Amendment people” preventing the appointment of liberal judges; or the time he instructed police officers to knock suspects’ heads against the side of their squad cars.

  • Smearing the many, many women who have accused Trump of sexual harassment or assault and claiming they are the liars;

  • And, of course who could forget the time she created an elaborate yarn about how she’d heard from “countless…individuals who work at the FBI who said they were very happy” with Trump’s decision to fire James Comey, in an attempt to make the story that the firing was all about agency morale stick, and had nothing whatsoever to do with the Russia investigation. Which, of course, she admitted was a total lie during her interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller. She subsequently doubled down, telling George Stephanopoulos that she only admitted to lying about hearing from “countless” people, before shifting the focus to Comey, who she described as a “disgraced leaker” and a “dirty cop.”

In fact, it appears that the only known instance of Sanders telling the truth involved a nine-year-old nicknamed “Pickle” writing a letter to the White House about how much he likes Donald Trump. But her track record was so bad that initially, no one believed her.

On Twitter, Sanders wrote: “I am blessed and forever grateful to @realDonaldTrump for the opportunity to serve and proud of everything he’s accomplished. I love the President and my job. The most important job I’ll ever have is being a mom to my kids and it’s time for us to go home. Thank you Mr. President!”

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Elizabeth Warren wants to know more about Kushner Cos.’s $800 million government-backed loan

Is it at all possible the Kushner family business got the money on account of, whispers, Jared’s job? The senator from Massachusetts and Democratic candidate would like to know!

Warren is calling on government-owned mortgage financier Freddie Mac to provide details on its reported backing of an $800 million loan to the real estate firm owned by White House adviser Jared Kushner’s family. The loan “raises serious questions about conflicts of interest and whether Kushner Companies may have received special treatment from Freddie, which is currently in government conservatorship,” Warren (D-Mass.) and Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) wrote Thursday to Freddie CEO Donald Layton in a letter obtained by Politico.

Kushner Cos. obtained the loan from mortgage lender Berkadia to purchase more than 6,000 apartment units in Maryland and Virginia, according to a report in May by Bloomberg, which cited an unidentified person familiar with the matter. Freddie Mac guaranteed the loan, Bloomberg said. Freddie Mac purchases loans from mortgage lenders—which gives the lenders the liquidity to make more loans—and repackages them into securities for sale to investors.

Instead of selling his holdings and placing them in an independent trust after being hired by his father-in-law to work in the White House, Kushner transferred ownership of many of his Kushner Cos. holdings to…immediate family members. While Warren and Carper acknowledged that “there is presently no specific indication of any wrongdoing by Freddie,” they noted that “the fact pattern in this case—of Kushner Companies receiving its largest loan in a decade, Mr. Kushner’s refusal to fully and clearly divest from his former company, and the Kushner Companies' recent history of engaging in transactions that appear to raise conflicts of interest for Mr. Kushner—raise significant questions about the circumstances under which Freddie approved and Kushner Companies received this loan.”

Report: notorious cheapskate owes people money

You’ll never believe it but the guy who practically made a career of stiffing contractors, openly bragged about not paying people money he owed them during a presidential debate, and refused to pay contractors for work during the shutdown, has reportedly rung up some sizable tabs across the country:

At least nine other city governments—from Mesa, Arizona, to Erie, Pennsylvania—are still waiting for Trump to pay public safety-related invoices they’ve sent his presidential campaign committee in connection with his political rallies, according to interviews with local officials and municipal records obtained by the Center for Public Integrity. Some invoices are three years old. In all, city governments say Trump’s campaign owes them at least $841,219…. Reached for comment, Trump campaign Director of Operations Sean Dollman referred questions to the campaign’s communications staff, which did not respond to numerous requests.

Sean Dollman, Trump campaign director of operations, referred questions from the Center for Public Integrity to the campaign’s communications staff, which apparently couldn’t even be bothered to reply with “check’s in the mail!” and instead apparently failed to respond to numerous requests comment.

This is a description of Louise Linton’s new movie, which the wife of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin wrote, directed, and stars in

Los Angeles Magazine: In your new movie you play a sociopathic bisexual [hedge-fund manager] who kills and eats men. Did you worry that some people might think its autobiographical?

Linton: Ha! I’m sure some people will think so. Which I don’t mind. I’d always wanted to do a female version of American Psycho. The idea actually came to me last October. I spent two weeks writing it up and we started shooting a month later. It’s my first real directing job. It’s funny and campy and over the top. I go around killing guys with crossbows and martini glasses and arrows and kitchen knives. But the final effect is more funny than scary.


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