Tie Guy

Sean Spicer’s Style Evolution

Sean Spicer, man of style, wasn’t born this way. His evolution from drab to fab has been a work in progress during his time as press secretary for Donald Jamiroquai Trump. The real turning point for his wardrobe was his first press conference, when Trump, who tapes his comically long ties down, is said to have asked an aide, "Doesn't the guy own a dark suit?" Does he ever (now)! And so many festive wide ties to boot! If you’ve listened very closely since Spicer first stepped up to the podium, you might have heard an image consultant’s encouraging whisper: “Zhuzh it up with a tie!” Or “Now go out there and project regional bank executive!” Or “This neon green might be the only thing strong enough to distract from the president’s accusations that his predecessor committed a federal offense based on no evidence, and now you have to explain why to the American people! Maybe we should do a lemon actually!”
This image may contain Sean Spicer Tie Accessories Accessory Human Person Audience Crowd Coat Clothing and Overcoat
All from Getty Images.