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Redefining Communities: The Transformation of Historic Public Housing into a Mixed-Income Community
Explore a project that transformed 1930's construction to fit a mixed-income community
Decarbonization of Existing Commercial Buildings in Pursuit of Net Zero Carbon Climate Goals
Learn about approaches to commercial decarbonization across scales.
Climate Adaptation Tech in a Tube: Enabling Wind/Seismic Resistant Homes
GreenHome Institute
Explore innovative climate adaptation technologies for the built environment
Advanced Passive Solar Home Design & Tools to Help
GreenHome Institute
An in-depth look at passive solar features for residential buildings.
How to Make Existing Building Energy Codes the Decarbonization Gamechanger We Need Right Now in the Climate Fight
This session will feature presenters who are advancing codes and policies that will effectively decarbonize existing buildings and bring us the scale we seek.
How Toyota’s Trigeneration Renewable Energy Project Is Helping the Port of Long Beach Meet Sustainability Goals
Learn how Toyota's new Logistics Services Vehicle Processing and Distribution Center (TLS) used a Trigeneration Fuel Cell to support corporate Carbon Neutrality goals as well as the Clean Air Action Plan of the Port of Long Beach (POLB) in Southern California.
Decarbonization and the Path to Fossil-fuel Free Buildings by 2030
This Greenbuild 2022 session heralds a fundamental shift of emphasis towards decarbonization as the key pathway to a carbon neutral built environment.
McDonald's Path to Net Zero
Colliers China
McDonald's China has the largest number of LEED-certified restaurants in the Asia Pacific region. By delving into the reasons behind McDonald's China's success and exploring their implementation methods, this course will uncover more cost-effective and efficient solutions for LEED certification of large numbers of buildings. 麦当劳中国拥有亚太地区最多的 LEED 认证餐厅。本课程将通过深入探讨麦当劳中国成功背后的原因以及其实施方法,发掘大批量建筑获得 LEED 认证的更低成本和更高效的解决方案。
Prefabricated Renovation Leads the Way to Net Zero
Colliers China
Prefabricated buildings have great development potential in energy saving and emission reduction. Ecoflex is an interior architectural firm. They utilize prefabricated renovation as a strategy for LEED projects. This course delves into how this prefabricated renovation strategy aligns with LEED projects, aiming to optimize them for high-level certification by using EcoFlex‘s prefabricated renovation strategy as a case study. 装配式建筑在节能减排的方面具有很大的发展潜力。Ecoflex是一家室内建筑公司, 他们使用装配式装修策略来完成LEED项目。本课程以EcoFlex的装配式装修策略作为案例,深入探讨了这种装配式装修策略如何与LEED项目保持一致,旨在优化它们以获得高级认证。
Case Study - ESG Sustainability Report
The Colliers 2023 Sustainability Report highlights the company’s significant strides in sustainability, focusing on reducing carbon emissions within the real estate sector. The report details Colliers’ dual strategy: enhancing their own environmental performance and providing sustainable solutions to clients. Key initiatives include achieving science-based targets for managed properties, transitioning to net-zero operations by 2030, and integrating sustainability into financial strategies. The report underscores Colliers’ commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, along with fostering employee engagement. Through these efforts, Colliers aims to inspire positive change and lead the industry toward a sustainable future. 高力2023年可持续发展报告突显了公司在可持续发展方面的重要进展,重点是减少房地产行业的碳排放。报告详细介绍了高力的双重战略:提升自身的环境绩效,并为客户提供可持续解决方案。主要举措包括实现管理物业的科学减排目标,到2030年实现净零运营,并将可持续性融入财务策略。报告强调了高力对多样性、公平性和包���性的承诺,以及促进员工参与度。通过这些努力,高力旨在激发积极变革,引领行业走向可持续的未来。
Get ready for next version, and overview of LEED v5

This webinar will introduce the basis of LEED v5, explaining why it's needed, its objectives, and key updates to the LEED rating rystems. It will provide a high-level overview of what's included in the next version of LEED v5 BD+C and LEED v5 O+M rating systems. Additionally, it will offer information about the LEED v5 public comment process, aiming to engage more stakeholders in sharing their opinions to support the updates of LEED v5.

本次网络研讨会将全面深入地介绍LEED v5的相关知识,阐述其更新的必要性、目标、进度以及主要更新内容。研讨会的重点将聚焦于LEED v5 BD+C/ID+C/O+M评估系统的更新内容和亮点,提供高度详细的阐述。此外,研讨会还将介绍LEED v5的公开意见征集流程,旨在鼓励更多利益相关方积极参与意见分享,共同支持LEED v5的更新与完善

A Pleasant Future Vision: Passive House Source Zero Energy Home Tour
GreenHome Institute
Tour a Passive House US Source Zero certified home.
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