these two may have been separated once but came back again stronger than ever. Usually one is talking to someone else at the time but with time anything can happen, if these two got together they would be a power couple 💑 with time anything can happen. If this is you and someone else give some time and see what happens
Friend A:who would be the cutest couple?

Friend B: probably J and K
by isitasign October 18, 2020
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J and K Gambit, also known as Jammu Kashmir Gambit, is a type of gambit in chess that is played when only few seconds are left for the opponent. The player who has more time sacrifices his pieces in a totally unexpected way so as to throw the opponent off guard and eventually the opponent loses by running out of time. This was first played by an Indian comedian, Samay Raina in one of his live streams. He is the winner of comicstaan season 2 which was aired on Amazon.
I won my game by playing J and K Gambit
by GreedyVD June 23, 2020
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Something Ariana Grande once said in a tweet from September 27, 2018, in which she was retweeting herself.
Ariana Grande: “everything will be okay
Ariana Grande: “j fucking k”
by shedoesntgohere January 14, 2021
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A phonetical form of j/k meaning just kidding. Often used in common day speech to make fun of the word j/k.
D00de listen. I'm your father
by Carter SN October 2, 2005
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Haha, j/k
by Evax November 12, 2002
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A phrase used by white people who are trying (unsuccessfully) to be black, meaning "just kidding".
Maddie: "I hate you."
Tim: "What? why?"
Maddie: "Nah, man. J to the K. I love you."
by B00uWhore696 September 25, 2011
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