55 definitions by redgyul

v. to assume 50% of the responsibility for an act and its consequences, the other 50% of same falling on the person with whom the act was perpetrated.
by redgyul March 3, 2005
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n. A Caribbean term for a woman of loose morals.
Carolina is a real skettel dred.
by redgyul September 21, 2004
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Trinidadian slang for "Not in this lifetime."
He asked me out...NOEH!
by redgyul September 21, 2004
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v. to stare aimlessly at a no spot in particular with the aim of relaxing the mind and forgetting the stresses of the moment. Particularly effective if done to slow, noninvasive, yet rhythmic music.
"I can't believe I'm pregnant. I think I'm gonna be sick just thinking about it. Oh, and my hamster died."
"Let's just zoid a while to Coldplay. You'll feel better when we're done."
by redgyul February 19, 2005
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Caribbean slang for a woman's sexual organ. Note that this is "hole" spelled backwards. As popularized by Beenie Man.

See pussy, vagina, coochie
"Meh want de gyul wit de eloh wha tight..." ~ Beenie Man
by redgyul October 7, 2004
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n. A trio of movies that managed to glorify existentialism, promote free-thinking, stimulate the atrophied intellects of the masses, modernize science fiction, lionize computer programmers and revive Keanu Reeves' career all in one go. In short, a triumph.
The Matrix has (pwns?) you.
by redgyul September 21, 2004
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Trinidadian slang for an action that has remained incomplete for a long time. Usually employed to berate the person perpetuating the action.
You ent finish de dishes yet? How yuh sticking so?!
by redgyul September 21, 2004
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