12 definitions by miggelzworth

A term used to call in sick from work.
I just wasn't in the mood for people's bullshit today so I pulled a cough and call.
by miggelzworth October 26, 2010
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When a white person lives in a black neighborhood. Usually he/she is the only white person on the block.
Damn when that zoo keeper gonna leave already? Don't he know he's the only white person in this hood?
by miggelzworth October 25, 2010
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To avoid someone until they get the picture and stop contacting you.
This mother fucker is annoying yo. I'm guna have to ghost him until he gets the point.
by miggelzworth October 6, 2010
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When your balls are so sweaty and smelly they could make someone's eyes tear.
I went for a jog then I laid in the sun for an hour. My girl insisted on giving me head, her eyes started tearing up and then I told her I had a bad case of Onion balls.
by miggelzworth October 26, 2010
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A fat girl that dresses like a slut; wears clothes 2 sizes too small and has her unmentionables showing.
I got so drunk last night I picked up a Snog. She almost broke the bed.
by miggelzworth October 5, 2010
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Someone who has a bad case of acne. Whiteheads for the mozzerella and red blotches for the sauce.
Man, did you see the shape of Frank? He's got some fuckin pizza face that kid!
by miggelzworth October 20, 2010
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