31 definitions by louise

a term for a slag/sket/hoe/slapper.
u r such a junge!
by louise June 19, 2004
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giving oral sex, blow job, head, BJ.
will u give me shines trace?
by louise April 12, 2004
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a man that has a gay lover and have sex up the shitter.
ewwww also known as Daniel Gale. Jamie Harris
hey bumchums stop fukkin up the arse!!!!!!
by louise April 11, 2004
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often used to describe a lady's front bottom; vagina or pish flaps. This term originates in Broxburn
I can smell your meaty flange ya bass
by louise February 16, 2005
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people with a serious mental health problem. americans, pikeys, townies, vegetarians.
god that american townie is really really spazticated!!!
by louise April 12, 2004
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means getting cussed, taken the piss out of etc.
noooo....u just got gunned! (u just got cussed!)
by louise June 19, 2004
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