333 definitions by lauren

tea made out of steeped poppy seeds, drunk to get one high
"shit, i'm all outta mary jane. you wanna brew some poppy tea?"
by lauren August 31, 2003
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deformed and mutated and/or dememted
omg that kid is so demuted
by lauren October 28, 2004
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a girl who trades sexual favors for drugs
"she's so desperate for yay- she's just a toss up"
by lauren August 31, 2003
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"i've got the whirlies" means having a nauseated feeling induced by narcotics
by lauren August 31, 2003
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When a really attractive person walks by and you have to look at them twice.
That Hottie walked by and I was seein Double!
by lauren June 17, 2004
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Being Drunk
he did five shots and was seeing double.
by lauren June 17, 2004
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An exceptionally rotund ass. See also "ghetto booty."
"Keep ya eyes on my badonkadonk-donk..." - Missy Elliot 'Work It'
by lauren March 24, 2004
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