7 definitions by climax

adverb - the act of arching one's back during orgasm and thrusting their eyes open violently with pleasure
"She came skib and nearly fell off the bed."
by climax February 19, 2005
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the process of having/getting sex
Shop Time has key references like getting "nailed" "using tools"
"i gotta go get some shop time"
jimmys is in chicago with his ex getting some "shop time"
by climax January 7, 2005
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when one trend has surpased another.
Didn't you hear? Gray is the new black
by climax February 18, 2005
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An all night sexual encounter, without the use of a condom. (See also: Rawdogg)
Oh shit, last night was a full-on Rawdoggathon!
by climax September 21, 2004
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A Sisyphusean struggle to reach eutopia
"Vegas baby, vegas."
by climax February 19, 2005
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Sexual intercourse without the use of a condom. (esp. with a first-time partner.) See Also: Rawdoggathon.
Yo, I picked this girl up on the subway, and 2 days later, it was like the full rawdogg, dog.
by climax September 24, 2004
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"Don't worry about game scurity, I brought a hipper."
by climax February 19, 2005
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