18 definitions by britishandworried

He talked about everything and nothing really. He arrived with a new wave of optimism and disappeared without a bat of an eyelid (mainly due to the UK's adoration New Labour as they swept into Downing Street).

Alright kind of bloke in truth, could've fulfilled any other job in Government at the time to a high standard except that of Prime Minister!
Things of note during his lengthy, but seemingly brief 6 and a half years as PM:

Signed Maastricht, and...
lost election to Labour in landslide.

Thats about it really!
by britishandworried January 29, 2005
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A school which completely and utterly saved me from the horrors of South East London's education system.

The community feeling is like nothing I've ever known; sometimes I feel that the pupils there don't appreciate it as much as they could do - they should try my old school, then they'd realise how bloody lucky they are!

Place where I reached the limits of my academic potential, which is more than I can say for my past experiences.
Comparisons to my old school :

St Joseph's - acres of space to play competitive sports. Old school - a small park to run around the outside of (which was across a busy road).

St Joseph's - teachers who can speak English to a high standard. Old school - Among others, a black Nigerian teacher who's own name could'nt be disyphered by her class let alone the Science lesson!

St.Joseph's - pupils who hold doors open for each other and had have good general discipline in comparison to other places. Old school - ok...I saw a black year 10 kid get arrested in the school canteen for whacking a boy from another school over the head with a hammer at a bus stop; need I say more?
by britishandworried January 29, 2005
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Known as a country which is part of the UK, but called "The Province" (also called a few other things!).

Thatcher fought desperately to fend off the prospect of joint-sovreignty in the 80s over it with the Republic in the south.

Just an annoying space of place which if put up to referendum, Britain would probably give over to the Republic! Nothing to offer by way of wealth or culture - it just exists.

Plus I'm just rambling to vent out frustations over nothing in particular and taking it out on N Ireland (!)
by britishandworried January 31, 2005
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Little fishing village on the west coast of Ireland situated in County To-ten.

Birthplace of famous faces such as Rageh Omaar Sharif, Sue Perbug, Easy O'Levels, E.U. Calyptus, Phil Space, C.D. Romm, Polly Filler and Hugh Rowe-Sceptic.
"i feckin luv Port O'Kabin"
by britishandworried February 4, 2005
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A place of inequalities.

The world as it is recognised in the early 21st century could be largely said to be shaped by the British (completely honest opinion said in a non-jingoistic fashion!).

No matter what I define it as, somebody will disagree with it - which in itself is an action which could help define *the world*.

The world today consists of many things I don't like. Too many to list and none of them appear to take particular precedence. However - words like precedence, patrotism, recall, and frustration come high on the list as they remind me of America and the way in which Americans say them; and I can barely bring myself to type its acronym consisting of three letters as it symbolises all that aggrevates me in *the world*.

The accent is piercing and just unbarable, whilst the people of *the world's* last remaining superpower are as thick as fuckin shit.

Its culture consists of celebrity and nothing else. In fact it's involved in every other English speaking country's existence that it drives the inhabitants wild with rage - you think the Arabic world aren't fond of fuckin America - they should look at their *allies* or fuckin *coalition* or whatever the bastards have named it.

Nonetheless, these are my opinions in MY world - and nothing more.
Anne Robinson on Weakest Link on British Satellite TV: "What does NATO stand for?"

Contestant from a country you can guess for yourself : "*hestitates*.... National...American Treaty...."
by britishandworried February 8, 2005
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Falls into the same category as arsewipe to be honest. Mild term of abuse for a sibling. See arsewipe.
"Oi wankstain, never douse my duvet in petrol and set it alight whilst I'm asleep underneath it again!"
by britishandworried February 3, 2005
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High Sheriff is the title bestowed upon the ruler of Wales, England's largest county. See also Port Davies and Wales.
"Port Davies is where the High Sheriff resides"
by britishandworried January 27, 2005
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